Chapter 40

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The pic above illustrates the Ace Corp trio- Sandeul, Eric and Hyun Woo. 

I would like to thank all of you for your time and effort to read this crappy work of mine. It has reached 40 chapters and 300 votes and past 2.6k reads! Without readers, this book will never be discovered! So, I truly thank you all for everything- the great comments, the supporting votes, I appreciate them all!

Thank you!


Main P.O.V.

The man kept smiling to himself as he looked into the mirror. He carefully pushed his bangs to the side for an elegant hairstyle and checked his appearance once again. He had grew his hair purposely to look unrecognisable for his girl, just to surprise her. He was in a black suit, with a red tie that reminded him of Moon Byul in the red gown he gifted her years ago.

Then his eyes fell onto the scar above his eyebrow, and the smile on his face immediately vanished. If it wasn't because of her grandma's interference, Moon Byul and him would've been perfectly happy by now.

At least that was what he thought.

"Hmm, hmmm!"

Haneul stared into the mirror, this time not to look at himself, but the two hostages he kept tied up on the floor behind him. Seeing Xiu Min struggling to talk because of his gagged mouth made Haneul turned to face him.

The man went over to Xiu Min, who was tied with his back facing Luhan's back. The other boy was unconscious, probably because he was tied longer and had lost all energy to even move. Plus, he has drug addiction that made his body even weaker without drugs.

Xiu Min glared intensely towards Haneul, instantly finding out that Haneul was the man that once kidnapped him. He was the one that drove the car when the accident happened. This time, Xiu Min could clearly see how wicked the man looked like closely.

Let us go! Don't hurt Moon Byul!

All he wanted to do was to scream that out but his mouth was gagged with a cloth and it was starting to hurt his face muscles. He tried wriggling and kicking himself from the secure knot around his hands and feet, but the way he was tied surely wasn't done by an amateur.

Geum Haneul is a wicked psycho and he certainly has a lot in plan.

"Stop moving, my princess will come soon to get you, so don't worry. You'll be free soon, but of course, if you try to expose me, I won't let you go." The eerie smile that crept on his thin lips made Xiu Min shout despite being unable to be heard.

"Listen, you don't have to die, you know. Luhan, too." Haneul pouted, intending to be threatening. "All you have to do is make sure that the moment you are free, Moon Byul must be prepared to be my partner for the party. Ah! Just thinking of dancing with her makes me go crazy and all fluttery! How love never fades even after all these years."

Xiu Min tried to kick him, angered by what he just heard. No way he was going to let Moon Byul go out with the man who ruined her life!

But when the kick was just a mere throw, he found himself falling sideways to the floor with a loud thump.

"Why are you angry?"

His question made Xiu Min want to shove a foot into his mouth.

But the way Xiu Min responded clicked something inside Haneul's head. His forehead slowly formed a frown as he leaned in towards Xiu Min. He studied Xiu Min's angry face.

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