Chapter 41

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New osts: (songs you can listen to while reading, it gives you more feel hihi)

1. One More Step- Sandeul (ost introverted boss)
2. Butterfly- BTS
3. A Poem Entitled You- Taeyeon (ost Hotel Del Luna)


Xiu Min's P.O.V

I could feel my hands throbbing in pain. It felt so damn painful it managed to wake me up from a heavy slumber.

Everything was black until I fluttered my eyelids open, a white ceiling coming into view. I stared at it- one second, two seconds, three...

Wait, I know this place.

It's my dorm.

I'm home?

"Rise and shine, hyung!" I couldn't even have the time to process it well when the voice of a familiar kid startled me.

Baekhyun came into view, gasping happily. "Yeay, you're finally back! And your ankle looks good!"

I looked at him, recalling what happened the last time before I passed out. Flashes of being mocked by Haneul's wicked smile came flashing by and it certainly clicked my anger switch on.

Then another face came along, a face that made my heart throbbed just as painful.

"Where is Moon Byul? Where is she?" I forced myself to sit straight on my bed, despite my hurting hand. It immediately stroke another memory in me as I gasped. "Luhan? What happened to him? Where is he?"

Baekhyun's brows furrowed deep, his mouth parting. "Who's Moon Byul? And why are you suddenly talking about Luhan?"

His puzzled expression hit me hard.

"Y-you don't know?" I blinked as I thought about Ace Corp and everything that has happened. I've been kidnapped for who knows how many times and they still haven't found out about it?

I stared at him, realizing that he was sweating furiously in his non-sleeve shirt, along with a cap over his black head. He must have been from practice with the other members.

So I truly am back in our dorm, but how?

"Then how did I get here?" I asked.

Baekhyun took off his cap and ruffled his hair, still in a bind because my question seemed strange. He cleared his throat, lifting a brow. "Erm, you're scaring me hyung. Didn't you come back on your own? The door was unlocked, and all your things are here." He gestured to my bags that were right beside my bed.

I stared at it, starting to freak out. I have no recollection of myself getting back here, and the last thing I remember was passing out after being hit by Haneul.

What the heck happened to me?

"What is going on?" I stuttered, panicking as I looked back at Baekhyun, who looked clueless. The boy was confused as he studied my panicked expression. "Hyung, are you alright? Did that caretaker kid do anything to you? Look, your hand looks awful!"

I quickly raised my hand and was stunned to see my red-ish skin. I could still feel it throbbing in pain because of what Haneul did to me.

Wait... Haneul?

I widened my eyes in panic, searching around the room.

"Haneul! That fcking jerk!" I shrieked as I tried to get up from the bed. Right then, there was a figure at the door, excited to see me awake.

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