Chapter One: All that Darkness Brings

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This is my very first story (that I've posted online). I'm not sure if I'm going to keep the title yet or not. I hope you like it. Also tell me whatcha think. I wanna know if I need to be more descriptive or more exciting or whatever. Tell me if you liked it or hated it and there will be more to come I promise!

                                            Chapter One: All that Darkness Brings

        I was out jogging on a bright sunny afternoon when the sky turned as black as the night. This wasn't a storm though, there weren't any storm clouds. There weren't any clouds at all just darkness, I couldn't see anything. I was petrified I didn't know what was going on. Suddenly a deafening wave of a high pitch sound filled my ears with pain. I fell to my knees covering my ears from the terrible sound. I could feel the ground beneath my knees and feel my hands over my ears, but there was still...nothingness. A few moments later I slowly stood up, my body trembling with fear. The terrible sound finally ceased, but I was still in darkness. I started to question whether or not I was dreaming, that maybe I had passed out because of the heat. I pinched my arm to wake myself up. Nothing happened, which didn't surprise me. I didn't really expect anything to happen. So I tried to yell for help, but no yelling came. It was dead silence. I could feel my mouth moving, but no words left my lips. What in the world was goi---light made its way through the darkness and soon enough I found myself in the same place I was before the darkness.

     "Help!"came a faint cry of someone in the distance. I looked around to try and find the person who had made the plee for help. "Somebody please! Help!" It sounded like a girl. The yell was more of a high pitched scream.

     "Where are you?!" I called back to the direction I heard her yell from. There was no answer. I looked around once more. Then a few houses down I saw a body laying limp on the porch of the house and the door was wide open. I quickly ran as fast as I could to the house and skittered to a halt as I approached the girl. "It's going to be okay, don't worry I'm here to help--" The girl sat up and gripped my hands with a death grip.

      "So hurts...why me? Help....please!" The girl cried. Her grip tightened and her hands felt furry. I looked down to see they were furry and in fact fur was enveloping her arms and spreading to the rest of her body. She was turning into a human fox. Her face was fox-like and she..had a..tail.

     "Sweetie? Is everything okay?" I heard a woman's voice call from within the house. Maybe she could help, I thought. I heard her footsteps approaching, getting louder and louder the closer she got. Once she saw us she gasped and her jaw dropped in horror. "What!? What have you done to my child?! she yelled.

     "No! This is not what it looks like! It wasn't me! I came here to hel--"

     "Get AWAY from her. NOW!" She yelled in the bossy angry tone all mothers have when their child is hurt. Then she screamed. My mom probably would have too if she saw me all fox-like, that is, if she were still alive. "You! You did this! Why?! Why did you do this?!" She took her cell phone out of her pocket. I could hear the beep-beep-beep noise of her pressing only 3 buttons, 9-1-1. This is just what I need. Well I tried to help her. I ran out of there as fast as I could and just kept running in the opposite direction. I didn't know how far I was going or how fast I was going, but I just kept running...and running...and floating? I looked down and saw the sidewalk start to become the size of one blade of freshly cut grass. What in the world?! Then I saw pair of wings...on my back.

     I couldn't tell exactly, but I was way higher than any house and as soon as I got over the fact that I had wings and that I was flying, I actually felt good for once in my life. The clouds were so fluffy and beautiful when you saw them up close, but don't try and lay on top of them like you think angels do because it's not what you think. Clouds are wet and well cloudy, you can't see a thing. After my experience with the clouds I was wet and I started to wonder how long I had been flying. It seemed like it had been hours ago since I blacked out. As much fun as flying was the wings were painful. I didn't really know how to fly, but yet here I was flying through clouds and then I started bursting through clouds and everything seemed to fly right past me. The sky started to spin faster and faster around me as if I was in a tornado. I looked down to see the clouds start to lessen. I'm falling. I thought. Work! Work ,why won't you work?! I started flapping my arms frantically up and down as the buildings started coming into view. I looked over my shoulder to see my wings folded against my back over top of my shirt. I thought hard to try and make my wings open, but I didn't know how to. Come on! Come on! Come on! I felt something smack my entire body and I felt my wings unfold. I thought for a second that I unfolded my wings and the wind caught them and that I had shot up into the air(which caused the smack-feeling). I was wrong, I tried to take a breath of air and I ended up getting a mouthful of water. I was underwater at least 8 feet deep. I was soaked and my wings were soaked and I kept on sinking deeper and deeper. Since I was up so high when I fell I had a lot of momentum and that caused me to continue to sink. I tried hard to swim upward, but I was running out of air and I didn't know how to swim with wings. This is it, death has come to take me..on the day life brought me into the world. Oh irony...

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