Chapter 36 ( FINAL)

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( Still Virgil's POV)

We all went back to the mind palace after everything. I was so happy to see them again. I didn't even know you could miss someone so badly, but the second I group -hugged Logan and Patton, I knew that I had.

Patton nearly broke my spinal column, but I didn't mind. And I was surprised that Logan was even capable of emotions, let alone cry when he held Patton. It was a little... closer than friends would be if you ask me, but I already assumed they were a thing.

After our reunion, I picked up Roman, who was still unconscious, wedding style and took him into his room. I tucked him in the way Patton would and then laid right next to his side. He wasn't the only tired one, so I interlocked our fingers and smiled to myself as I faded off to sleep.

As the light crept through his window and into my closed eyes, Roman stroked my cheek gently with the back of his hands. I woke up slowly and smiled up at him. " Hi." I barely finished before he kissed me gently.

I held his hand to the side of my face and smiled even wider. He pulled away, still resting his forehead against mine. " Hello, my love." I could feel myself blush.

Happily ever after are a thing after all. Man, that's 10 bucks gone. Don't spend it all in one place, Princey.

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