Chapter 17

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( Roman POV)

( Not written by me)

I knew this would happen. I knew that if he gave that stupid box to Deceit then every thing would start going down hill. As patton's eyes changes colors I knew then and there that it was serious business. I couldn't take my eyes off of what was happening but I wanted to look away.
"Payton sanders". As he said the words I got chills down my spine. The friendly, caring, dad of the group, was gone. And standing in his place was this hideous...thing. I looked at Virge. I felt my eyes roll in the back of my head. And then the next thing I knew I was in a very, very dark room.

I didn't have my usual clothes on. No red sash and pearly white prince shirt on. Instead I wore a black T-Shirt and black jeans with tears in them with black high tops. I felt a gravitational force coming from inside of me that wanted to break out.
A very, very, very, sharp stabbing pain came from my chest. I toppled over and it felt like my brain was on fire and my eyes were about to burst out of my skull. As I grip my head but at the same time try to stop the pain in my chest. I look over with burning tears in my eyes and see patton laying there as limp as a stuffing-less teddy bear. 

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