Chapter 30

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( Romans POV)

" Virge!" I rushed over to him and slid onto my knees. His head was in his hands and he was trembling like a leaf in the breeze. I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face into my chest plate.

His breathing slowed again and he looked up at me. His eyes were big and sad like those of a puppy. " I-i'm not the bad guy, Roman, right?" I smiled at him softly and squeezed him reassuringly. " Of course not. " He nodded slowly and rested his head on my shoulder.

Deceit scoffed from behind me and yanked me to my feet by my sash. I brushed myself off and glared at him with hatred. Virgil sniffed pitifully and sat on his knees on the floor. Dee smiled and scratched his forehead thoughtfully. " Hm... next game..."

He snapped and smiled widely. " Ah! A game fit for a prince!" He summoned two swords and tossed one to me. I took hold of it and studied it for a few seconds. " And what's a battle without a damsel in distress?" Virgil screamed and I flipped around to see that he was tied to some sort of old looking wooden chair.

I turned back around just in time to block a blow from deceit. He huffed frustratedly and stepped back to lash at me again. I blocked once more and lashed out, barely missing him by a few inches. " Roman, why do you care?" He questioned and panted. " It's not like YOU'LL feel anything!"

I shook my head and continued to protect myself. " This isn't about me, this about everyone. Why do you want to hurt Thomas?" Dee scoffed and caught me in the side, making me wince and stumble backwards.

" As soon as everyone is a darkside, he'll be just fine. Better even! Less distractions from what is really important." I weakly blocked another strike. " And... what would that be...'''' Power." He replied. " And 'love' and 'friends' make you weak."

I snapped my head up to look at him. And it was as if a new strength had entered my body. I lunged and he blocked, but just barely. His eyes grew wide and he was clearly surprised I was fighting back. I parried and then lashed again, knocking his sword out of his hand and to the ground.

He raised his hands as I held the blade outwards to his chestplate. " It...only made me stronger." I said breathlessly. He looked at the floor and then back to me. I threw the sword across the room and rushed over to Virgil. 

( Please give me any ideas for the next game if you have them lol)

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