Chapter 5

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( Virgils POV)

     Well... I did it. I guess. I told him I was sorry. I sigh and scoop up my journal again, flipping through it. I just truly hope he didn't read any of this, because most of it was about him. Little remarks on his smile, or that funny face he made when he was annoyed and how he made me smile when I didn't want to.

It was the little things that made me love him. Yeah I said it. I love Roman. But that's okay, I know he doesn't, so nothing matters. But if he did. Oh god, if he did. If he loved me back. I'd have the world. I smirk and turn to his page.

I read through it just about 100 times before swooning and holding the book to my chest. Falling back into my desk chair, I see something sitting on my dresser. Not something, someone. My eyes go wide. " Get out." I say timidly.

Deceit grins. " You get out." He counters. I groan annoyedly as he hops down and takes a few steps towards me. " You know he'll never feel the same, right?" He asks. I look down, but nodded slowly. Of course I did, I came to terms with it long ago. But... it still hurt.

" And you're fine with that?" I still look down, a pit growing in my stomach as he walks closer. I glanced at him and shake my head. " No..." I say honestly. I flinch when he tucks my bangs behind my ear and strokes my cheek. " Then come back..." He coaxes. " Home."

I smack his hand away and scoff. " Not in a million years." He looks at my angrily and backs off. " I'm offering you a way out! You don't even like it here!" He yells. " That's not true!" I yell back. He huffs and smooths out his shirt. " You're pitiful, Anxiety." I pause.

" I... I know." Is all I say. He snickers and I shrink into my chair. " Well, you think about it." He boops my nose before disappearing into thin air. And behind him, in the doorway, is Roman. Looking like a deer in headlights. " Oh, Roman." I say, slightly fearfully. I know what's coming now. I'm going to have a lot of questions, aren't I?

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