Chapter 24

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( Virgils POV)

I woke up slowly in a different place, and was greeted with a thousand different pains at once. I winced and bit my tongue as my eyes began to focus. Roman was to the side of me, holding my hand tightly and sniffling.

I flinched and squirmed scaridly. " H-hey, no, Virge, it's okay, I'm back." Roman assured and stood up still holding my hand. I narrowed my eyes and noticed that his irises were no longer pitch black.

A smile spread across my face and it felt like a weight had been lifted from my chest. " Ro!" I squeaked and threw my arms around him. I winced again, but wouldn't let him go even if it hurts.

He hummed happily and hugged me back weakly. " Heh, yep. It's me Virge." He removed my arms from his neck again and placed them to my sides. " You're pretty beat up, you need to stay still.

I opened my mouth to argue, but Roman stopped me before I could. " I just need you to be okay. This... is my fault anyway." He choked up a little. I shook my head rapidly and took his hand again.

" No it's not. I was the one who gave him the box. It's my fault." I replied. He squeezed my hand softly. " What was the reason though?" " Well, Deceit was going to hurt you and-" He cut me off again. " So if you did it FOR me, then it's my fault you're hurt." I blew my hair out of my face and rolled my eyes.

" Sorry." Roman said again. " I know." I repeated. He brushed my hair back and I smiled. " We have to get Patton and Lo back." I said. He nodded and exhaled shakily.

" We have to." 

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