Chapter 14

14 2 0

( Romans POV)

( Written by just_another_queerdo)

I felt him relax and that had to mean he at least liked me a little bit. But when he pulled away that's what got me. He already did have me. He didn't have to steal what was not rightfully his.

I got up and tried to grab his hand so we could just talk. But he was too fast. "Virgil please! Dont!" But no matter what I said I couldn't talk him out of it. Coming from downstairs I heard Patton yelling at Virgil.

I heard pounding footsteps coming up the stairs and to his room and the lock being undone. Then when the door swung open. I ran past Patton so fast that I almost knocked him over. I bolted to his room and swung into the doorway where Virge had just given Deceit the box of Thomas's subconscious. "" I couldn't help myself from choking up because of this. "you already had me." I say in the tiniest voice.

Deceit looked at me with those horrid black lined eyes and smiled at me with a look of "I know something you don't" and then vanished. I looked at Virge. "How-how could..." My knees felt week and felt like they were about to collapse under me.

He walked over to me slowly and when he got to me and put one of his hands in my left hand and the other on my cheek. "Now we can finally be together" He said with a happy expression in his voice. I looked at him in the eyes and said "You already did have me." And left to my room and locked the door behind me. No more interruptions. No more stupid, Bull crap love problems. Only me, myself, and Disney. 

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