Chapter Two

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( Written by Just_another_queerdo)

(Romans POV)

     As I toured the very... well how do I put this, his very "inconspicuous" room space, I got a little bored so I just HAD to, I mean I HAD to leave something for the good ol' creepy cookie something to remember me by. I looked through his drawer and found a journal looking thing, yes,I know what you're thinking, "Roman, why would you do that when you know Virge said NOT to look through stuff?" But I just HAD to alright? It's like when someone says "Don't eat that cookie roman its Pattons and you know that!" (courtesy of Logan) AND THEN YOU JUST HAVE TO EAT IT! It's like asking me not to be a prince, a protector, A KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOUR! Well it's physically and mentally not possible. So I decided to be a protector thomas's mind and just brighten up a tad bit. I took the journal and flipped through some pages of doodles, some writing, blah, blah, blah, and then when i found a blank page I wrote in all of the marvelous colors of the rainbow hearts. HEARTS EVERYWHERE! I didn't think I was doing anything wrong, so I kept going. I then wrote in a very striking pink color a message to Virge. It said:
"Dearest Virgil Sanders,

     Your eyeshadow is the color of the night sky, your snarky comments and sassitude are what make people laugh and sometimes cry but that's ok buddy because that's how life works. You are just the darndest, creepiest cookie, the most chemically unbalencedromance, you are you and that's all that matters!"When I finished at least trying to cheer the Goofy goober a bit, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs to Virge's room. "ROMAN! What. Are. You. Doing?" Asked Virgil as he dramatically flew flew through the door practically busting it down. When he saw me next to his dresser with his journal it looked like he was about ready to take my fashionable gleaming red sash, and strangle me with it. "Virge? You ok there buddy?" I tried to let out a slight laugh and a little grin to put some ease his way but nothing would work. "I TOLD YOU NO SNOOPING! And what did you go and do? Snoop." He grabbed the journal from me at lightning speed and told me to get out. So I did for the fear of this beautifully charming face being messed up and turned into a certain Disney Hyena from the Lion King. I walked down the stairs to see Logan reading a dictionary with a stack of books next to him, Patton playing patty cake with some girl. Typical. When Virgil came downstairs he looks a little more cool but still a wee bit infuriated. I knew I was about to get a talk.  

Maybe I might love you.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon