Chapter 33

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( Virgils POV)

My skull felt like it was on fire and I couldn't move. Except I could but... it wasn't me. I wasn't moving, something inside me was. Something that had been there for a long time, trapped, and it was out.

I stood up and glared at Roman, a huge smile spreading across my face. Roman was white and looked purely terrified. Deceit clapped his hands giddily. " It worked! It worked, it worked!" Roman turned to Deceit and tackled him to the floor. He screamed and they struggled against each other. " Virgil, help! Deceit called for me fearfully.

I wanted to burst out sarcastically laughing, but my body lurched forward and threw Roman off of him. I helped deceit to his feet and he brushed himself off casually as Roman wept on the floor.

With all of my heart I wanted to help him stand and tell him it was fine and I was still me, but I stayed frozen in place. If this is what it felt like to Roland, I truly knew his pain. Deceit turned to me and smiled maliciously.

He ruffled my hair like Patton would and then threw his arms around me in a tight hug. I found myself smiling and hugging him back tighter. It made me want to vomit for the rest of my life. " Finally back home." Deceit said softly.

Roman sniffled on the floor and glared up at us hatefully. Deceit chuckled and release me, walking over to Roman. He raised his chin with a finger and hummed. " Give up?" He asked sweetly. Roman smacked his hand away and stood up.

" Never. What's the last game snake?" fear filled his voice. Dees eyes lit up and he pursed his lips in thought. " Very well, princey. "

Maybe I might love you.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora