Chapter 34

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( Romans POV)

Deceit clapped his hands together and his eyes lit up. " How about would you or would you not!" He said excitedly. I cocked an eyebrow and folded my arms. " What are you, 9?" I asked snarkily.

Deceit rolled his eyes and slow clapped. " Aren't you just hilarious." He asked sarcastically. I stuck my tongue at him. " Who's 9 now?" He added and cracked up at his own joke.

I sighed and pulled myself together again. Glacing from the new Virgil to Dee, I nodded solemnly. " Let's play." Deceit wiggled his finger and tsked. " You're too quick, you agreed before I even gave you rules." He smiled widely and I shuddered.

" Whatever you choose... you must do." He chuckled. " And I happen to be VERY creative on the subject." I swallowed and clenched my fists. " Fine."

" Very well then." Dee walked back over to Virgil and rested the side of his head on his shoulder. I resisted the urge to destroy him for that. " Would you or would you not... take a punch for Patton?"

I rolled my eyes for the 30th time and yawned mockingly. " No hesitation." It felt like a jagged rock had just been launched directly into my nose and I whipped around, clutching my bleeding face. I held back tears and wiped away the red solution.

Deceit over looked at me furiously, but his grin quickly returned again. " Fine. Two more." He tipped his bowler hat. " Would you or would you not... lose a tooth for Logan?

I breathed in shakily. " Yes. I would." I felt something pry at the inside of my mouth and screamed in agony. I fell to the floor again and whimpered as I pressed my finger to the gap in my mouth.

Deceit huffed and his smile faded. " Final. Question." The big one. If I win the game, he'll let them go. His eyes turned yellow. " Would you or would you not... take your own life for Virgil?"

My eyes went wide and I felt myself go pale. I glanced at the dark version of Virgil and could have sworn, the purple in his irises flickered. I stared at the floor. " I would..." My own sword appeared in front of me.

" NO! DON'T DO IT YOU COWARD!" Deceit demanded. I ignored him and held the sword in my hands. Dee commanded a few more times, but his yelling was drowned out by a ringing in my ears. I raised the blade and placed the end at my torso. I plunged it forward and fell into darkness. Virgil screamed my name. 

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