Chapter 28

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( Virgils POV)

We're in for it. I could feel it. Deceits eyes flashed yellow and his grin spread across his face before he clapped his hands excitedly. " Very well!" He exclaimed. I glanced at Roman, trying to look braver than I felt.

" To begin, our little games will have rules." He started. I held up my hand to silence him. " Woah, woah, gameS? Like, more than one?" He nodded rapidly. " Three each, to be specific." That wasn't the agreement. But... this is for them.

I rolled my eyes. " Fine." Deceit cleared his throat and went on. " So, you win, by coming out alive. Or sane. Either or." I gaped at him but he seemed unphased. " If you SOMEHOW are to win, I give you back the box, and you turn your friends back into the useless weaklings they were." He pulled down his yellow gloves. " And when you lose... I turn you both into dark sides once more and keep the box. And Thomas stays like this."

He snapped his fingers and an image appeared before us. It was outside the mind palace. Thomas was curled in the corner on the floor, shaking and sputtering nonsense. He was pale and his hair was a mess. He needed help.

It disappeared and I faced Deceit again. " No timeouts. No quits. Understood?" He asked, holding out both hands to me and Roman. I looked at Roman again. He was pulling a convincing brave face too, but I could see through it. I smiled at him softly and nodded.

We both turned back to Dee, and shook one of his hands. The second we did, Deceit grabbed Roman by the wrist and chuckled. " Prince's first." He said menacingly. 

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