Chapter 18

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( Virgils POV)

I was bawling my eyes out like frightened toddler as Roman twitched widely on the floor. Logan grabbed my arm tried to pull me away, but I refused. ' Payton' encouraged Roman from the corner, I wasn't sure what for. But I didn't want to find out.

I turned to Logan and clung to him tightly. I buried my face into his shoulder as he backed away slowly. Roman let out a shriek and his eyes went wide. They... they were black.

Black. Pitch black. All of my breath left my body. He stood up and brushed himself off, grinning like a mad man. " You don't look too happy to see me?" He said slyly. I still held on to Logan and wept in spite of myself.

Logan shuddered but held his ground with me behind him. " And I suppose you aren't Roman either?" He asked. Roman shook his head slowly and took a step towards us.

Logan nearly tripped over me as we kept backing away. " Insecurity. I'm insecurity." Payton walked over and stood to the side of him, still grinning and overlooking us. " Virgil. You should go." Logan said sternly.

I looked up at him fearfully and shook my head. " No, Lo, don't make me." " If they turned ' bad' there's a probability I will. And then it could be dangerous for you." Logan said calmly. I still shook my head and trembled. " N-no Logan-" " Just. Go." He cut me off.

I covered my mouth to muffle my whimpers and hastily made my way to my room. I slammed the door and fell to my knees again, grabbing my pillow and squeezing it. I was on the verge of an anxiety attack, I could feel it. Then I heard a scream from downstairs. It was Logan. 

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