Untitled Part 19

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( Romans POV)

( Not written by me)

I felt numb. It felt as if J.K Rowling killed off like your favorite character in a Harry Potter book. I felt like the world was against me. And then I saw him again. He was sobbing like a baby. My ears were ringing. Virge and Logan were arguing. I stood there. Watching. I didnt know what to do. I tried to say "Virgil please dont cry it's still me. I'm still Roman!" But what came out was "Insecurity. I'm Insecurity." Then my whole mood changed. It went from being so utterly depressed because I couldnt see the love of my life, to being so insanely, how do you put this, absolutely BONKERS!

I couldn't help but smile at him. I was so happy to see him. I think I smiled at him a little to wide because he looked horrified. "Virgil you should go." said Logan but Virge argued. No matter what Logan said Virgil would argue with. But it ended up with him running up to his room in the blink of an eye.
I watched as he ran to his room sobbing like a tiny infant. I looked at Logan. My smile faded. And I then saw my reflection. Pitch black eyes, slicked back hair like Danny Zuko from Grease, and an outfit I would never wear as myself, myself. I felt...well, insecure about myself.
Logan then toppled over in pain. What used to be Patton, now 'Payton', crouched down next to logan. "It hurts doesn't it? But don't worry. It will be all gone soon." I watched as he screamed in pain. I watched. I watched and, and didn't do anything. I felt a disturbing amount of satisfaction for his pain.
I got bored so I traveled up to Virgils room because my physical appearances might have changed my feelings for him haven't. I knocked on his door. "Viiiirrgil. I just wanna talk. Open the door. I'm not asking i'm telling you."
I can hear him walk slowly to the door. "You are not who you think you are." he says. His face is red and puffy from crying.I look at him in his eyes and I smile to widley again. I saunter into the room like I own it and sit on the bed. "Get. The. Hell. Out. Of. My. Room." he says sounding a little pissed. I stand back up. I brush his hair out of his eyes and a tear runs down his face. "I know I'm not who I say I am but I still love you." I wink at him and laugh like a mad man for some reason. 

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