Chapter 6

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( Written by Just_another_queerdo)

( Romans POV)

I couldn't sleep. So instead sang to myself and watched covers of Adele on YouTube. I wanted to go talk to Virge and say sorry for being a little nuisance but when I got to his door I heard him in a quarrel with someone. I just wanted to make sure he was alright so I opened the door. "heeeyyy , Virge? Everything alright bud?" And what I saw in his room was a little... how do you put this? Ghoulish. "Vigil. Who's this?" his hand was on his cheek. He swatted it away. "Roman Ssssaannnders. What a PLEASURE to meet you." He said as he curtsied. My name ran off of his tongue like a snake. I froze. Everything went numb. "Ro, it's not what it looks like." His voice sounded more frail than usual. I couldn't stop the tears forming in my eyes. Why was going to cry? Well for some reason I felt betrayed. Like I was just impaled in my heart by a sword forged in the fire of the mighty dragon protecting my own heart. Confusing I know but in a way it's not if you think about it. I honestly felt played.

I ran back to my room, slammed the door and slid down so my back was against the pearly white door that now felt as black as Virgil Sanders Eye shadow. I just sat there for who knows how long. I felt like I was Overreacting a lot but it hurt to see another man's hand on Virge's cheek.

Once I got the energy back, I went to my laptop and started playing One Direction's song "Infinity". I listened to the lyrics closely. "Oh baby I was there for you all I wanted was the truth." and "How many nights have you wished someone would stay? Lay awake only hoping they're ok. I never Counted All of mine if I tried I know it would feel like infinity." As I listened to the song I let a few tears roll down my face. 

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