Chapter 32

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( narrator POV)

Deceits eyes narrowed and his smile grew, making Roman feel even more uneasy. He walked towards Virgil and over looked him carefully. Virgil stood nervously and took a small step away from him.

" You think you have any control over what you really are?" He asked. Virgil cocked an eyebrow and scoffed weakly. " You don't know what I am." He replied. Deceit snickered. " Oh, Virgil, I may be the only one who knows that."

Virge slowly turned around as Deceit walked behind him like a vulture. " But that's not the most important part." He added. Anxiety looked from the floor to Dee again and breathed in shakily. " What's that?"

" I know what you can be." He lunged and pinned Virgil to the floor. " Virge!" Roman called out, but stopped himself from running to him. This was Virgil's game he had to do it on his own.

He struggled as Deceit desperately tried to remove something from his pocket. Virge gathered his strength and kicked the snake in the gut with all his might. Deceit yelped and rolled onto the floor while Virgil made sat up quickly.

He tried to stand but deceit grabbed him by the hood, slamming him back onto the floor. His head made a hollow thud and he gasped for air. Deceit chuckled and pulled out a small vial.

As Virgil wrigled in pain, he opened it and forced him to open his mouth. After pouring the liquid, he held his hands over Virgil's mouth forcefully. " Drink it, Anxiety." He warned. He shook his head rapidly.

Dee pressed his knee into Virgil's side, making him whimper loudly. " Now." " Virgil, don't!" Roman begged from the other side of the room. Virgil finally gave in and let the solution run down his throat.

His eyes widened as his chest began to burn. Deceit smiled madly and remove himself from him. Virge screamed and clawed at his torso. " What was that?! You gave him the love potion?!" Roman yelled.

Deceit scoffed and shook his head. " For being creativity, you sure are dumb. You really think I was gonna give you a love potion? That's practically light side poison!" Roman went pale and booked it over to Virgil. " No, no, no, no!" He said frantically.

" You have to fight it Virge!" He pleaded as anxiety wriggled on the floor. " It's no use, Princey. He'll be a darkside in seconds. He's too weak to fight it off." Deceit said casually. " Then one more game for and I'll be in control.

Virge breathed heavily, coughing and wheezing excessively. " No, please no! I-I need you!" Ro said on the verge of tears. Virgil lowered his head to the floor and went silent, closing his eyes. It was completely quiet. And when he opened them again, they were a dark, piercing purple.

( I have no ideas, please gimme oneeeeee) 

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