Chapter 3

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( Virgils POV)

He is unbelievable. 100 percent. I trusted him. Alone. In my own room. And he did the ONE thing I asked him not to. I didn't even nag him about it or anything, and he still did it. I clutched the journal that he had left out after he went through it tightly in my hand and stared Roman down from the doorway to the kitchen

He shifts uncomfortably on the arches of his feet and his eyes lower to the floor. He knows what's coming. And so do I. I hold up the journal and try to keep my voice down. " What's your deal?" Is all I could think to say. Ro shrugs and twists from side to side slowly. " I just, I didn't mean to, I didn't think you would get so upset." He says calmly, it makes me even angrier. " Right after I told you not to go through my stuff?" I accused. He looked up at me with pleading eyes. " I'm sorry, okay, jeez."

Logan looks up at us for a few moments and rolls his eyes. " Patton!" He calls out. Morality's attention turns from his game of patty-cake to Logic. " What'd I do?" He asks confused. Logan points to us and I can feel my fury building inside me. " Do you just do this stuff to mess with me? For fun?"

I take a few steps closer to him and he backs away. " What no of course not, I don't-" I cut him off and wave the book in the air. " I'm not dumb, princey!" I loudly and he slinks even farther away. " Calm down, kiddo." Patton intervenes, looking like a worried father does. But I refuse to be stopped. I walk around him to face Roman again.

" Did you READ through this?" I demand. He shakes his head rapidly and his lips tighten. " No, I would never!" " Liar!" I reply and stomp my foot. He flinches a bit and Patton puts a hand on my shoulder. " Virge... it's not a big deal..." I shrug him off of me and give Roman a dirty look.

" C-can you just read what I wrote...?" He asks. I gasp quietly. " Did you ruin my art?" I practically scream. " No, Virgil, I didn't." He tries to convince. I roll my eyes and scoff. " Screw you." I say before turning to go back to my room. I hear Romans door slam shut before I'm there. I slam my door too and stomp over to my bed.

If he did anything to my drawings, he'll never hear the end of it, I swear. I sit down and huff as I go through my book. Nothing, nothing, nothing, rainbow hearts, nothing. Wait. I go back a page. It looks like his handwriting. It starts off with " Dearest, Virgil."

I go over each word carefully and my eyes widen. By the end of his note I'm on the edge of tears. I cover my mouth and whimper quietly as I realize what I've done. I practically throw my sketches to the floor and run my hands worriedly through my hair. I always manage to screw something up. No matter what it is. I let a few of my hot tears slid down my pale cheeks and tug at my hair.

I'm the bad guy. That's all I can think. I hurt everyone for no reason. And I hate myself for it. I wipe my face with my sleeve and leave my room. I approach Romans door and freeze. I'm not good at saying sorry. Neither is he. But, I have to give him this one. I knock.

" Ro?"

And wait for a reply. 

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