Chapter 29

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( Romans POV)

( Not written by me)

I felt A different kind of competitive then. I felt strong. I felt amazing, fresh, unstoppable. Until he brought up the first game. " Facing your biggest fears."
He showed me a vision. All of the other sanders sides looked at me in disgust. I looked at myself and i felt the same way when I was Roland but way worse. I felt like the walls were caving in. Even Virgil was looking at me in a way that made me want to curl up and cry until I couldn't breath and just give up. It felt so real. But I had to stay strong. For Virgil and for our friends.

When the horrendousness finally ended I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair to get rid of the feeling. "Ya know, you could just call it quitsies right here right now. Then you wouldn't have to go through this!" He said menacingly. "No. You won't win." It was Virgil's turn.
I saw Deceit grin like an insane man that escaped from an asylum on a rampage. The Virgil took a huge gasp and didnt let it out for probably a solid 2 minutes. The he let it out after. I don't know what happened but I knew he was trying to stay strong.   

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