Chapter 12

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( Romans POV)

( Written by just_another_queerdo)

When he asked Patton for Thomas's subconscious my heart stopped. If he was trying to get it for what I think then maybe he does love me back. But this is Virgil Sanders were talking about. He never cares for anybody else. Or so it seems.
I didn't think twice before grabbing Virgil's wrist. Once I grabbed it he whipped around, eyes wide and I swear on the spirit of Moana's grandma that he was blushing just a tiny bit. "Why? Why do you need it?" I asked. He looked down at my hand that was slowly traveling down to his hand, but not on purpose. Ok, maybe it was kinda intentinial.

I snatched my hand away from his. I asked him again but he just seemed frozen. "Virgil? Hellllooooo??? HEY! VIRGE!" His eyes met mine slowly. "I can't tell you." He looked more sorrowful that normal. "There are just to many things I want to tell you but can't" He said. Then he turned around and quickly walked up the stairs to his room. I needed to get answers and quick before I exploded into a glittery poof of pure gold.

"Virge please! I need to know why you wanted the subconscious and now because if it's the reason that i'm thinking then this could change everything and save Thomas. So please tell me before you do anything." I said before I opened the door. When he didn't respond for about 15 seconds I got worried so I opened the door. He was sitting on the edge of his bed. "Ro... I wouldn't even know where to start." He looked at me with caring eyes that made me melt.
I walked over to him and sat next to him. He looked at me. I could have sworn that he took a couple of glances or my lips. But I can't get mad because i was doing the same to him. "Ro?" He said in a delicate voice. "Why am I the way that I am?" He said while looking me in the eyes. A single tear ran down his face. "I just think that sometimes, the way we act or the way we think is based off of who we love and how badly we want them to love us back." He looked down again. I brushed his hair out of his face and after that its like my brain took over everything.

My hand rested on his cheek and his hand rested on mine. That's when everything happened at one. Its like as if a magnetic pull was urging me towards him. So I kissed him. 

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