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( Virgils POV)

I exhaled and the next thing I knew, Roman and I were in the dark side of the mind palace again. I looked around, confused to see that nobody was here. It was quiet. Much too quiet.

" Well." A voice said from behind me. I flipped around to see it was deceit. I stopped myself from tackling him and instead gave him a nasty look. " Logan and Patton. We want them back. Now." I warned harshly.

Dee's smile never wavered and he held up the small wooden box I had given him. " You'll need this then, Virgey." I rolled my eyes hard at the nickname. " Just hand it over, deceit. I wouldn't want to break your teeth again. Wait. That's a lie. " Roman joined in.

Deceit grimaced and wiped a remainder of his own blood from his lower lip. " I'm not afraid of you. Virgil made you weak again." I took a step towards him and folded my arms. " Liar."

Deceit laughed sarcastically. " I'm only asking how you did it, anxiety." I opened my mouth to say something but fell silent. " Good always overpowers evil, haven't you SEEN a disney movie?" Roman finished for me.

I smirked a bit at his analogy. " Oh, yeah, uh huh. Sure." Deceit said mockingly. He stood up straighter and brushed off his shirt. " Well, if you want them back, you'll have to prove your point." He informed as he pulled up his yellow gloves.

" What point?" Roman asked. Deceit turned to him and grinned even wider. A chill went up my spine. " That you aren't weak." I looked from Ro to Deceit. " And how exactly do you plan for us to prove that?" I added.

God, I sound like Logan. Dee hummed again and walked towards me slowly. Roman took his place in front of me and grabbed one of my hands lightly. I smiled at my protector and peered over his shoulder at the enemy.

Deceit approached and looked Roman right in the eyes. " A game of skill." "What is this, saw?" I replied. 

Maybe I might love you.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora