Chapter 23

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( Romans POV)

( Not written by me)

As Deceit kicked and broke and punched and beat Virgil I cried my eyes out. I hated to see him in this much pain. I wanted to kill deceit for what he was doing to my love. But my legs wouldn't move. He was begging me to come and save him and trust me, I wanted to. I was so angry. I felt backstabbed, betrayed, and lied to. It took all the strength in me to just clench my fist. And then I heard his voice. "Roman Sanders.....please...dont-dont let me go." He looked up at me. Nose bleeding, blood gushing out of his mouth and blood seeping out of his shirt. A rush of energy came through me. A type of energy that I have never felt before. I launched myself at deceit.

I felt like nothing could hold me back. I Punched and bit, I sat myself on top of him and just took swings at his face. He tried to call out to the others but kicked punched him in the stomach so he lost his breath. I stood up and picked him up by his collar and shoved him against the ground again like the MMA fighters do. I Looked over at an almost lifeless Virgil and looked back at Deceit. I took one more swing at Dee's face and ran over to Virgil. I scooped him up and then the next thing you know we were in my room.

I'm holding a limp virgil in my arms crying for what I have done to him. I rush into the kitchen trying to find bandaids, bandages, anything that will help him. "Dont worry. It's ok. I got you. I love you. Ssssshhh, it's ok. Its ok. Its-its ok." I was trying to tell him but a little part of my knew I was trying to tell myself it.

I took his shirt off and wrapped his body in gauze pads and bandage wrapps. I wiped his face clean and put ice on his bruises. I Lay him down in my bed. The unconscious, beat up, love of my life, Virgil looked so afraid when that all happened like he was so afraid of losing his life.

I took a chair from the living room and placed it next to my bed. And I knew that he couldn't hear me so I said everything I wanted to say to him when he was conscious and well. Here's what I said:

"Virgil, hey pal, my lil' hot topic, my creepy cookie, my chemically unbalanced romance. The love of my life. The man I was never there for when I was supposed to be. I'm so sorry. I am so, so, so sorry. I want to do everything for you. Say the words and I'll be your knight in shining armour. I love you Virgil Sanders. Not even in a crush way. Like a way that I have never felt before. I love you so, so, so much. Probably even more than Disney. I have always wondered if true love's kiss every really worked. I can never stop thinking about you. I never want to stop thinking about you. One day, when everything gets back to normal, I want to lay by your side, while you brush through my hair with your soft fingers. I want to taste your sweet lips, over, and over, and over again. So please forgive me. Forgive me what I did to you. Forgive me for not being there for you. Because I love you and will never stop loving you."

After I said all of those things I sat in that chair. I sat in that chair keeping guard of him, making sure no evil being (deceit and others) attacked. I felt the goodness of everything wash over me again and I knew I was back to normal again. I glanced in my mirrors and saw that my pitch black eyes, my hideous costume of sorts, was gone and in its place was my pearly white shirt and my gleaming red sash. Then IT happened. His eyes fluttered open. He looked at his wrapped up body and the ice packs, and then he looked at me. 

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