Chapter 25

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( Roman's POV)

I sighed quietly and squeezed Virgil's hand again. " I... I'm scared though." I admitted. He sat up, still wincing in pain. " You and me both." He replied. I smiled at him weakly and looked at the floor.

" Hey." Virgil said comfortingly. " I'm here. I'll be with you." He suddenly tried to stand, sending him crashing into me. I caught him and chuckled lightly. " Yeah. I'm sure." I helped him stand by himself and handed him his shirt again.

He pulled it over himself carefully and brushed the V-neck off hastily. " I'm ready. Let's take back our friends." " No." He looked at me funny. " Let's take back our family." I finished. His smile returned and he punched me playfully on the shoulder. 

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