Chapter 31

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( Virges POV)

Roman ran over to me and untied my hands from behind me. I immediately stood up and hugged him tightly. He hummed happily and wrapped his arms around me in response. I squeezed him tightly and he winced, stepping away.

I looked at him confused and then gasped and covered my mouth. His entire side was deep red. " Roman you're bleeding!" He looked surprised and pressed his hand against his wound. " I... hadn't noticed." He hissed and jerked his hand away quickly.

" Ro, you can't go on like this. You'll-you'll bleed out." I could feel my anxiety grow in my chest. He held up his hand and smiled weakly. " Virge, breath. I'm fine. It's just a scratch." I looked at him appalled and started to argue more, but he put a finger to my lips and I went quiet.

" It's okay." He said bluntly. Somehow, the way he said it made everything else drift away. I smiled a bit and resisted the urge to jump into his arms again. Deceit clapped his hands loudly to get our attention and I faced him again. He smiled evilly at me and folded his arms.

" Now, what to do?"

( I really need ideas, pleaaasse, I'm begging you, give them to meeeee <33)

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