I awake to someone opening the curtain and rudely letting light in. Hvitserk moves his arms more around me which I assume is to cover any opened skin. I squint my eyes to see Ivar. "Get up. Now. We are going to leave without you. Both of you." I shrug. "Fine by me." I state and turn my back to him. "Brother. Deal with it." Hvitserk huffs and Ivar leaves. "Come on. We have to go." I look up to him and kiss his lips gently. "Nope." He laughs and crawls over me, starting to get dressed. I groan and move my torso over to watch him, my chest out of the blankets. He licks his lips and steps back to me, leaning down. "Get up." I look at him and grin. "Make me."

He rolls his eyes playfully and kisses my chest, biting the nipple softly. I let out a breath and he stands up. "Get up." He pulls the blanket down and I sit up. "That is not fair." I stand and start to dress. "Who said I was fair?" He smiles and I shake my head with a laugh. We step out together after dressing, walking to the front of the herd.

I look over to Astrid and she nods once to me. I do the same to her and take my sword from my belt. After walking we reach the field where I'm finally able to see Laergatha, Bjorn, Ubbe, and Torvi as well as King Harralds' brother.

We stand there for a moment until Bjorn and Harralds brother walk up. Hvitserk then Harrald step as well. They speak for a moment and Bjorn makes eye contact. Hvitserk starts moving forward with Bjorn and he glances back to me.

I clear my throat and that's when we start stepping back. It's held off until tomorrow. I stay silent and step. No one to be by my side whilst I'm alone.

The same morning routine is in effect

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The same morning routine is in effect. We start stepping once more back to the ground. This time we all step forward. I stand there and keep silent as they speak. "Our father would not want this." Bjorn speaks and Hvitserk steps to beside me. "And I would've known something was wrong when we sent someone to fetch Queen Isabella only to find her ex husband in her place." I look to the ground and clench my jaw.

"Well Brother. Some people choose me." I look up and furrow my brows as they all continue for a compromise. "Ivar. This is wrong. Our people against one another." Laergatha speaks up and I lick my lips. "I have sworn to kill you." Ivar speaks and then looks at them for a moment. "But maybe you are right.." Harrald looks between all of us in almost anger. I can feel my body relax as Ivar says this. "Then let's swear." They bring cups and fill them with ale. "Skol." They put them up and one I put it to my lips Harrald pours it out. "Do you really think I would not revenge my mother? And shame on you Ubbe." Ivar speaks up and I inch the cup away from my lips.

He laughs. "I will kill you." He says and then they draw their swords and we draw ours. I look to them with sorry eyes. I should just run now..

We start backing up to the others and they make Hvitserk take the woods and Astrid along with Ivar back to the ships due to Ambush. I stand next to Harrald and we start running towards them, attacking everyone. We are no Match as I knew what would happen.

I fight my best and I shove people off. I yell as blood covers my face. I bump into someone. Bjorn. I quickly turn to him. "You betrayed me Your majesty." He spits it like an insult. "I was forced Bjorn." I hold my sword up and he strikes against mine. "I Swear it!" I yell to him and he forcefully pushes me down to the ground with his shield, turning to kill another. I take it as an out. I stand quickly and start fighting others. But it's too much for us as Hvitserk and many less people come running from the woods.

We all fall back. I start running and meeting up with Ivar and Astrid along with the others. "Where's Heahmund?" He looks to me and I look around. "Where's Heahmund!?" He yells and I take harsh breaths. "I don't know. I didn't see him." I yell to him and then we all meet up. Ivar is beyond pissed off. We make our way back to camp.

After a few hours of sitting here in our defeat. I have been cleaned up and seated. "Rollo said if we ever needed his help he would do it." Hvitserk speaks up and I look to him. Rollo, that man who insulted me infront of Cedric.

Ivar grins and looks to me. "Tell him Queen Isabella is here as well.." Hvitserk looks to me and then nods. "I shall be back soon.." he speaks and he leaves immediately. Ivar waves everyone out. I go to stand but he looks to me. "Sit." I furrow my brows and sit slowly. "You did well." I cross my arms onto the table. "Ivar. I'm not in the mood." I look to him and he laughs lowly. "I know I know.. I'm sorry that I've been so mean to you. It's just.. The way you are with Hvitserk makes me jealous. What can I say?" He tilts his head to the side. "That's because he knows how to treat someone with respect." I clench my jaw.

"Ahh.. Yes... Since he is not sharing Margarethe with Ubbe." He crosses his arms. "I don't care. It's as if you think he's going back with me." I stand and cross my arms. "I need sleep if we are to fight again soon." I squint my eyes to him. "Goodnight Isabella." He says and looks to me. "Goodbye Ivar."

I step away from him and to my tent. I peel everything off and lay in the bed. Everything feels so sore and I wish Hvitserk didn't go. He kept me company in my bed. Something I've missed.

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