chapter 86

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Ace's POV

I was sitting on the chair next to El I know she's in real pain right now. The doctor came here like 4 times and each time he exits the room. The doctor came once more "so how-" he stopped and looked at El. He called for the nurses and they came and rolled her out of the room as soon as possible. I ran after them. "you'll have to wait here sir" a nurse stopped me. "but my wife's giving birth in there, I have the right to come inside and witness the birth of my child." I said. "I don't think it's all about her giving birth sir, I think she's bleeding heavily" he said and closed the operation door again. No no no this cant be happening all over again. She cant leave me. I slid down the wall hoping that she's fine, I wish for nothing than her being fine and healthy, than her not to leave me alone.

I'm here sitting on the floor just like last time for 4 hours and she's still in there.

The door opens again and El comes out with a blood needle stuck in her and she looked pale. "what happened?" I asked the doctor "she was bleeding heavily but thank good we found out early. She could've been in a coma or dead by now." He stopped when he saw me clench jaw. "so, she needs some rest, and she's gonna wake up in an hour or so" I nodded. "what about the baby?" I was concerned, but not more than about my El "they're just fine" he said and walked away without even saying where they are.

I am sitting here next to Ella waiting for her to wake up. I heard a deep breath taken. I looked up and saw El opening her eyes. "did our baby get out, yet?" She seemed concerned. I nodded. "El you freaked me out" I said looking her in the eyes. "sorry" she said looking down. I kissed her on her head.

After half an hour the baby came into the room being rolled by the nurse. El looked at me with a huge smile then took our baby girl "she's beautiful." El said and put her finger in the hand of the baby. "so what are you going to name her?" Ella looked at me waiting for me to say "Faith" I smiled and looked at baby Faith.

After a few days we were at home with a new member in our family Faith

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