chapter 33

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After a couple of minutes, Joe came back and had a slight look of sadness in his eyes. I realized that there was something bad he is gonna say. I put my head on my hands covering my whole face. "sooo" Joe said stopping. "What? Continue" Ace said getting angry. I put my hand on his thighs and caressed it making him calm down. "so there is some bad news and some good news." He stopped. I looked up because there was some good news. I signalized for him to continue. "ok bad news or good news first?" Joe asked. "bad news," I said.

"I made a call and asked my friend he's the best tracker in the USA and I asked him to find your father" I stopped him, "step-father," Ace and I said at the same time. "ok, step-father. Well he couldn't find him" he stopped and looked down. "what do you mean they couldn't find him?" Ace shouted getting up. I was too afraid of Dave than calm Ace down at this moment. "what's going on?" Sierra came running downstairs. "nothing, absolutely nothing" Ace shouted not taking his eyes off of Joe

After a few minutes, I realized that Joe said there is good news. I took my hands off my face. "wait" stopping Ace and Joe from fighting. "you said there was good news." I said. "what was it?" I asked Joe. "about that before that little boyfriend of yours kept fighting with me I had a solution." He stopped. I was happy. "what?" Ace asked also happy. "well we could find him," Joe said. "how?" Both Ace and I asked. "well the cops were looking for him since you were in the coma" he stopped. "but they couldn't find him and let the case slip since they didn't have any proof that he abused you. So you can go back and when he lays a hand on you he will be caught red-handed. And there you go case reopened and closed" he finished and clapped his hands together around of himself. "absolutely not"

Joe looked at me for waiting for an answer. I didn't want to do it because Dave's beatings are horrible, but I wanted to make sure he goes where he deserves to be, guess where. You guessed it right in prison and prison my friend is hell. So deserves to taste a little bit of his own medicine.

After a bit of thinking I decided to talk. "ok" I said calmly but from the inside, I was breaking not wanting to be tortured again.

"what?" Ace asked "what the hell? How did you even come up with this idea?" Ace asked Joe really annoyed. "I am ok with the idea, I'll do it," I said looking at Joe. "fucking no I won't let you leave this house, I can't risk losing you for the fourth time" Ace shouted looking at me. "Ace listen, if I don't do this then the world won't have peace anymore, there won't be love, and the abuse will be parental, fraternal and between couples." I finished hoping that he would say ok. "No, I can't risk losing you. That fucking asshole is gonna pay in one way or another. But no we're gonna find a better way, for you not to get hurt." Ace finished. I love Ace because he is selfless and he always tries to keep me safe. I really love him from the bottom of my heart and if he ever has a problem I would sacrifice my life for him. "Ace he needs to go to jail, and there is nothing except this to do," I said. I begged for him to accept this but he rejected the idea.

We were in his room and we stayed silent. The room was full of tension. I wanted to go and save myself and the ones I love, while Ace, on the other hand, wanted to keep me safe. Actually, I know it's a good reason for me not to go but I loved him and I wanted to save him from every bad thing in this freaking world. We sat on the bed but this time it was different. There was a space between us and we weren't talking. The silence was really uncomfortable. Until he broke the silence.

"El what are we doing? You should always know that I would never ever risk your life for something like that" Ace said. "Ace I know you have a point for me not to go but I want to go and you won't change my mind for not going. I must save you and I must save the rest of the gang." I said "It's not just about me, it's about all of us," I said. He tackled me in a hug. "it's still a no if you're wondering" he said. I sight in annoyance but really enjoyed the hug.

After an hour or so I decided I should go, but of course, I won't stay at my house because the monster is gonna be waiting there. So I was going to Nic's. I got up from Ace's warm, calming embrace and was about to leave when I heard him asking me "where do you think you're going, young lady?" Ace asked me with a raised eyebrow and a British accent. "I actually don't have a place to stay in so I decided to go to Nic's for the night till I figure out where I will stay," I said taking a long breath. "what the hell El?" Ace asked. "What?" I asked him not knowing what I did wrong. "You know you're gonna stay at mine, till we figure out what we'll do with that asshole." Ace said in a duh voice. "really?" I asked. "you didn't know that, I guess I just said that in my mind," he said scratching the back of his neck while chuckling. "so, you're going to stay with me till we figure out what we're going to do with that asshole" he stated. "are you sure," I asked "you can't just decide that you're going to let someone stay in your house without anyone knowing," I said. "you're not someone El you're my girlfriend and you're my princess" he stopped and continued "besides Lilly loves you and Sierra adores you and Nat loves you so you're staying" he stated. He got up and held my hands. "are you sure?" I asked him. "positive," he said and crushed me in a hug. His head was in the crook of my neck and my head was buried in his chest. "can't breathe" I said. "oh sorry about that" Ace said blushing. "is my bad boy blushing?" I asked looking at him making him blush even more. "oh I made the bad boy blush. The bad boy blush I made the bad boy blush." I sang running down the stairs because he was following me.

He was about to get me but I found my savior. Sierra. I hid behind her and looked at him. He was boiling from anger. "What is going on?" Sierra asked. "oh yeah I remember. The bad boy blushed. And let me guess Ella did this?" Sierra asked and I nodded. "I'm proud of you," Sierra said and gave me a high five. Both of us laughed and looked at Ace who was standing next to me angry. I gave him a peck on the lips "sorry" I said chuckling. "I told you I'm sorry Ace don't be such a drama queen."

I hugged him and gave him another peck. He returned the hug but muttered something in my ear. "I am gonna get my revenge but you're not gonna like it I promise," he said and got out of the kitchen. I cleared my throat and asked Sierra "um Sierra can I stay here for a few days?" I asked her. Ace came running waiting for an answer. "of course dear, what are you talking about." She said. Ace sigh in relief. "But.." She stopped "But what?" Ace questions angry. "there are no butts," Ace said. "there is one but," Sierra said. "What?" Ace was pouting making me chuckle. "I was kidding jeez, what is wrong with you, is there someone one stole your game?" Sierra chuckled. Ace gave her a glare. "ok so I'm going to bed feel free to use the kitchen and eat." Sierra said getting up the stairs. "oh we will don't worry thanks" Ace said thanking her "oh I wasn't talking to you I was talking to Ella." Sierra said making me laugh my guts out. "both of you are so mean" Ace said pouting. "don't be sad you can use the kitchen with me. I am good at sharing my food." I said chuckling. "you're really mean you know that?" He said putting his tongue out.

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