chapter 18

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Ella POV

I woke up on the floor in an unfamiliar place. There was no furniture, no people, and no colors. The place was white. I was laying on the floor wearing a white knee-length dress. I stood up and checked my body, there were no bruises, no scars, nothing.

I sat on the floor Indian-style and played with my fingers, thinking about Ace. And why he isn't with me. Did I do something wrong?

I sat in that unknown place for a few minutes when I saw two people from afar coming my way. After a minute they were clearer, all I knew was that they were a couple. They were holding each other's hands, reminding me of Ace when we go to the park, or when we're in the secret spot having a picnic. I smiled remembering all of our moments together.

I stood up and began to walk to them. They really looked familiar. Then I realized they were my parents. Wait! My parents. I ran towards them and hugged them not wanting to let go of them.

They chuckled. "It's ok baby we're not going anywhere." Dad said, "where are we?" I asked. "we're in heaven," my mom said smiling. "am I dead?" I asked hoping for a yes. "no" both of them said. "why would you say that?" My dad asked. "umm because you just said that we're in heaven?" I said in a duh voice.

"you misunderstood us," my mom said shaking her head "what we actually meant dad and me are in heaven not you with us" mom continued. "what? Am I going to hell? What did I ever do to you god to deserve this life?" I said sadly. "first of all, you're not going to hell! And second of all what do you mean you don't deserve the life you have?" Dad asked "when you died mum married another guy," I said "I know," he said "so when she married him, he seemed to be nice at first but all he actually wanted was the money that she left. Before mom died I was diagnosed with Epilepsy. And when she left I had to work to get my medication and do this operation. He began to drink and smoke. He would hit me every time he would get the chance. And in the previous school, I was called a freak. He told me that I was fat and ugly and dumb. He also told me that I killed you guys. And once I had the chance to love somebody and that somebody loves me back, he goes ahead and kills me? Or wait am I dead or not again?" I said. "I know about all that happened but you are not dead and you do not know what life has planned ahead of you," my mother said, "and if I knew he would be such an asshole I wouldn't have married him." She finished.

"God has planned a lot for you. You have passed the bad and now you're gonna live a good life with somebody who loves you. But there will be just one more obstacle in your way and you will find the perfect way to solve it. It may be hard but you're smart and strong to face it and end it. Now tell me how he is everything and every single point important and unimportant." She said. "wait what a boy? At this age? No, I reject this relationship at this age" dad said "shut up Mark you and I were in a relationship since we were 15" my mom said defending me. I laughed while my dad blushed. "anyway how am I not dead when I'm in heaven" I asked. "come with us" they said at the same time taking a hand of mine.

We came to a water fountain with an angel on top of it. "darling, remember the boy Ace you were talking about?" I nodded "wait, mom, how did you know his name? I didn't tell you his name" she avoided my question and continued. "he loves you from all his heart. You, my baby, have a man falling for your charms. He is the one. And don't ask me how I know. I am in heaven and I have my ways." Mom finished and then nodded to my dad "you are here because you are insecure, you think that we are not with you. But you have to go down there sweetheart and after you see what we have to show you, you are gonna beg us to lead you to where you belong." He finished. "now jump inside of this water fountain so that all of you is inside of it." Mom said "why? I am gonna get wet" I said pouting "get inside and don't be that hardheaded young lady," my father said.

I did as I was told and was in another world but no one could see me. I could see people and hear them but they can't see me or hear me.

I saw Ace sitting next to a body that was unconscious with tubes all over it. I got near the body and realized it was me. I had tears in my eyes. I looked at Ace and saw bags under his eyes he looked thinner a lot thinner. The next thing I know I heard him talk but I didn't know who he was talking to. "El I miss you so much, I can't bear not listening to your angelic voice anymore. I miss your laugh I miss your eyes and smile. I miss your blush. I miss your dimples. And I freaking miss your kiss. I haven't had warmth since you left me. I miss your hugs. I fucking hate my life without you. And I can't imagine my life without you. It's like you took my heart and have it with you. I can't sleep, eat, leave your side. I can't bear the thought of walking in the street without you by my side. You can't leave me El. I love you. I love you so freaking much it hurts. I haven't cried that much since my sister died. I need you El." He said crying his eyes out. "I promise I will protect you with my life. Just wake up. I promise I'll do any and everything you want just wake up. Please. For me" he said holding my hands and taking a strand of hair that was on my face. "I love you, Ella".

I couldn't take it anymore I got out of the water but wasn't wet. "I need to get down there now. I need him. I love him and I miss him" I said crying missing his warmth.

"you're gonna get down there but before you leave I have to tell you something and there's someone who wants to meet you. First of all, we love you so much and we're never ever going to leave you alone never think you're alone because you have a group of soldiers behind you. Who are your friends your boyfriend and your family. Second of all, I have left you a credit card in your favorite jacket it is inside a secret pocket. The credit card can help you pay the operation fees and medication and so that you can buy a beautiful prom dress." My mom said wiggling her eyebrows. "now it's time for us to say goodbye." They said hugging me "I'm gonna miss you guys" "you're not going until you meet somebody that wants to see you. We love you, sweetheart. Bye" and bye that they left.

I turned around and saw a beautiful little girl that looked like Ace. Oh my god is this.. "hi" the cute girl said. "hey. Umm, I have a question" "sure" she said, "are you, Nathalie?" I asked "so he told you about me, huh?" she asked happily. I nodded and sat down so that we could be at the same height. "he loves you so much" I told her. "yeah I know" she told me smiling. "I wanted to talk to you," she said. "sure," I said.

"Ace is a really good guy and he really loves you. I know I am not supposed to hear people's thoughts but you're all he's thinking about. And I know that your relationship is gonna last forever." I nodded. "you know the feelings between us are mutual," I said smiling and she nodded. "you know for a small girl like you, you are pretty intelligent and smart." I said poking her nose. "well it's time for you to go. Could you please tell Ace that I'm always with him and that I love him?" She asked me "sure Nat." I said and then hugged her and it became black all of a sudden.

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