chapter 84

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What if I'm pregnant?

Some part of me is excited, and another part is scared to death. Some part of me wants to be a mother and another just isn't capable to be one. Some part of me wants to make a big family with Ace, but another says he doesn't want children in this part of our lives. I've thought about all of this during the ride to get a pregnancy test.

I was in my old house confused. I had the test in my hand not ready to do it. After a while, it was time to see if I'm pregnant or not.

I want to see but I'm scared of the result. I'm scared of the answer, the truth.

There is a lot of 'what ifs' running through my brain right now. I'm scared. I take a deep breath and hold the pregnancy test. I look at it and it said, pregnant. Deep inside me, I sigh in relief, wanting to be a mother, but another part of me is scared.

I made a couple more tests and on all of them it wrote pregnant, I'm just really confused. What if we're not ready yet?

I need to tell Ace, but I don't know-how.

I went to target and brought white baby socks and a white overall that had 'hello daddy' with cursive over it. I also bought a card that wrote 'the only thing better than having you as my husband, will be our baby having you as a dad'. I smile. I put all of those in a box and I also put one of the pregnancy tests in the box.

Ace is going to be here in like 2 minutes, and I'm not sure of what I'm feeling right now. I hope this ends up well.

The door opened and I got up as quickly as I could. I ran to the door. "wow, someone is excited to see me" Ace said laughing. "I have to give you something," I said and took his hand dragging him to the living room. "is it something good or bad?" He asked scared. "I hope it's something good," I said "what?" He was confused. "you'll see"

When we arrived I took the box and handed it to Ace. He sat down and put the box in his lap. He opened the box and grabbed the socks, "what is that?" He chuckled "just continue" he took the overall and read it. Something flashed in his eyes but I couldn't quite get what it meant. He took the card and read it carefully a couple of times. He looked at me with glassy eyes. Now I know, how it's gonna end. And the last thing he looked at was the test. "are you serious?" He asked me. I nodded. He ran towards me and twirled me in the air. When I got down he hugged me.

I felt tears on my skin. I looked up at him and saw a few tears on his cheeks. I wiped them with my fingers and he smiled. "are you sure you're not sad?" I asked. "of course I'm happy we're gonna be parents in 9 months, and the best thing is my family that is gonna be built is with you." I smiled and hugged him. "I love you Ace" "I love you too, and you in there too, little fella," Ace said getting down to where my stomach is and kissed it. I laughed.

We were laying on the bed with Ace's arm around my waist and with his hand on my belly. "so we're going to be parents" I sigh smiling turning around. "I guess so" he put a strand of hair behind my ear "how are we going to tell your parents and the gang?" "I don't know"

We are with Daniella, Xavier, Sierra, and Lilly. When we were back at home we figured out how to tell them that we're pregnant. Since I know I'm not fat now I decided not to wear anything baggy. So I wore a white sleeved crop top with a pair of ripped jeans.

"Hey, Daniella" I smiled and walked towards her and hugged her. I walked towards Xavier "Hey Xavier" I hugged him and we went and to the living room and sat down. I saw Sierra coming down. I got up and hugged her "hey Sierra, how are you?" "good, you?" "I'm fine, actually really fine," I said and looked at Ace and smiled.  "Ella" Lilly shouted and came running to me. I got down and hugged her. "I missed you" "not more than I did" I poked her nose. I carried her and was walking to the couch. Ace came and took her "no," he said through his glittered teeth. "wait why?" He looked at me with the 'you know' look. "so?" I shrugged my shoulder. He shook his head and we continued the evening peacefully.

"Ella I need to tell you something," Lilly said coming towards me. I nodded. She reached my ears and whispered something. "really" I smiled widely. She nodded. "what?" Ace said. I looked at Lilly and she shook her head not wanting to tell them. They looked at me wanting me to tell them. "why are you looking at me? It's her call" I said. "come on don't be a child." Ace looked at Lilly. "Well I'm not a child" "prove it, tell us what you told El," he said leaving Lilly no choice. "you know the boys that came to your wedding?" Ace nodded. "yes the ones that I hated," Xavier said. "hey" Daniella hit him playfully. Lilly looked at me. I nodded for her to continue. "don't be scared, tell them, they won't do anything" I assured her. "yeah we won't do anything, we promise" Ace smiled. "ok, you know that blondie?" All of them nodded. "well I'm his girlfriend now" everyone was shocked. Daniella and Sierra smiled. "hey, you're not allowed to date" Xavier and Ace stood up. "at least not until you're 25," Xavier said. "that's unfair" she pointed at Xavier "no it's not a young lady." "But Ace isn't 25 yet and he's already married." I laughed at her quick response I stood up and held Ace's hand. And Daniella did the same. She whispered something in Xavier's ear. His reaction changed all of a sudden. "all of us are happy for you baby" Daniella said making Lilly smile.

We gave Xavier the present and are about to announce we're pregnant. "wait there's another present but for all of you" Ace said. He took the card out of my bag and gave it to them. They opened the card together then smiled widely and got up. "really" they began tearing up. We nodded. "congratulations," Daniella and Xavier said. Sierra also hugged us and Lilly got too excited.

"so when is he or she due?" Sierra asked "we don't know. We're going to the doctor tomorrow." I stated. "have you told anyone yet?" She asked us. "no not yet"

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