chapter 46

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"remember that operation I told you about?" I reminded him. "mhm" he nodded. "so I'm going to leave for 3-4 weeks". "ok I'm going to stay with you there and when we need something I'm going to tell the guys to bring it to us and if you want some fresh air we're gonna come here for an hour or so and then return two the hospital." He said. "no you can't," I said. "why?" He said looking at me. "because it's not here" I stated. "what?!" He said raising his voice. I don't like where this is going. "It's not in New York," I said. "what?" He said raising his voice more. I hate where this is going.

"the center is in Florida," I said and closed my eyes. "why didn't you tell me about this?" He asked really angry. "because I didn't know how to tell you," I said raising my voice a little bit. "so you're here right now, and telling me that you're leaving in a week. How didn't you tell me? How could you do that?" He asked me still angry with a hint of sadness in his eyes and voice. "What?" The rest of the gang asked surprised, looking at me. "you're leaving?" They asked also at the same time. "yes, of course, you didn't tell any of us, Ella is leaving in less than a week for '3-4 weeks'. And the thing you don't know that she isn't going to stay here in New York." He said raising his voice looking at the guys and then at me. "please don't do that" I said looking at Ace, begging him to not start a fight between us. "do what? I am completely normal" he said with his voice raised. "Wait what?" Nic asked me. "you're not going to stay in New York?" She continued. I nodded. "where then?" Carter asked me. "Florida, she's going to stay in Florida." Ace said looking at Carter. "What?" All of them shouted. "I wanted to tell you," I said looking at Ace. "All of you actually," I said pointing at all of them. "but I didn't know how," I said and sat on the counter. "3-4 weeks in Florida?" Max asked me. I nodded.

"How could you not tell me?" Ace asked me in the same voice as before. "I guess we should leave," Liam said and pushed the girls in front of them to the door.

Ace and I were alone and we were fighting. "I'm sorry, ok? It's the thousand's time I say that today" I said and put my head on my hands. "it's not that you say sorry or not, it's just that you're leaving and deciding on your own, to go to Florida on your own" he said with the same raised voice. "and in school time" he added. "ok, so what? I'm going to study there" I said. "how will you study there, you will not be in class to study what you didn't hear." He said loud and pointed at his brain as if I was dumb. "don't do that, I'm not dumb." I said pointing at him, and I know if he told me anything about me going there I will lose it. "when did you even know that you had to travel there?" He asked me. By this point, I had tears in my eyes and it took all of me to keep my mouth shut and to not cry. "ha" he said a little loud as if I didn't hear what he said a couple of seconds ago. "Answer me, Ella," he said angrily again. "That's enough," I said, stopped, stood up and looked at him. "I just knew a week ago that I have to freak go to have this freaking operation done, I've been saving my whole life to do it. I signed a place since forever before I even met you to go there and they told me in an email that I have to go to Florida for a few weeks. It's not like I have to go forever Ace. And trust me I know it's hard for you to leave me but it's like hell that I'll leave you these few weeks." I stopped by this time shouting. "and if you want me to reject this damn operation? Then fine"

I finished and got upstairs in Ace's room and closed the door behind me and slid down next to the door and cried I was really hurt. I know it's hard for us to leave each other and especially for me. I need him to stay next to me while I'm in hospital.

A few minutes passed and I was cut off my thoughts by knocking on Ace's door. "Ella, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry" he said and I heard some sniffing, wait is he crying? "can you please open the door?" He said. I got up, whipped my tears and opened the door. When I saw him I jumped on him and crushed him with a hug. He hugged me back and buried his head in the crook of my neck.

 He hugged me back and buried his head in the crook of my neck

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We on Ace's bed I was on his lap and we were cuddling/hugging. I felt something wet I raised my head and saw a few tears stained on his face. I put my small hand on his cheek and whipped the tears. "why are you crying?" I asked him. "because I was really mean to you, and I made you cry and when that happens it always shatters my heart. I'm sorry El for being selfish" He said looking me in the eyes. "I'm sorry too. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you as soon as I knew. But know that it's gonna break my heart more than ever the few weeks that I'm not gonna be here. It will hurt me more than you even." I said looking him in the eyes. He buried his head in my chest and put his arms around my waist. My legs were wrapped around his waist and I put my arms around his shoulder and buried my head in the crook of his neck.

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