chapter 12

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I woke up today with a smile on my face remembering what happened yesterday and remembering that for the first time in forever I have people standing beside me no matter what. No matter what my flaws are.

I went to the bathroom and did my business, then got out and decided to wear my black striped jeans and a loose white shirt written 'I don't care' on it. I put on my red converse shoes and took my Stradivarius backpack and put on mascara and lipgloss.

Once I was finished I heard a familiar horn. I looked outside my window and saw Ace. I smiled and jogged downstairs. I took my keys and exit my house. "hey princess" Ace said giving me a peck on the lips opening the door of the passenger seat. "hey handsome" I said entering the car. "you look beautiful today, like always." He said putting his hand on my hand that was on my thigh. I smiled whispering thanks.

We got to Starbucks and went to the drive-through. "so what do you wanna get princess?" he asked. "a mocha frappe please" I said "no food?" He asked "yeah". When it was our turn Ace told said "we would like to have two chocolate chip cookies, one mocha frappe, and a sweetened cappuccino. please." He said through the microphone.

Two minutes later, we had our things and were driving to school. "so there's a chocolate chip cookie and a mocha frappe for you and the rest is mine" he stated, "but I didn't want a chocolate chip cookie." I said pouting. "yeah but you need to eat something in the morning to give you energy." "fine but I'll eat it at school," I said, "fine. See we got to an agreement," he said smiling. I gave him a peck on the cheek and began drinking my coffee.

We were at school and found the rest of the gang. "hey" we greeted them. "hii" they said all together. Suddenly the bell rang. "bye guys" the girls and I said at the same time. All three of us had a history together. "hey listen I got you this cookie because I know you like them" I told Car, fortunately, I had a granola bar in my bag "aaannnnddd I got you a granola bar because you like them" I told Nic. "oohhhh thank you" they said hugging me.

So I know you're questioning why I didn't eat the cookie? So I didn't eat the cookie not because I was fat but because sweet things trigger fits and seizures in the morning well at least for me. And I didn't tell anyone because I don't want pity.

The next thing I know is that I saw the worst nightmare ever entering my class. You guessed it right. Lucas. So he was the new student? Why is everything falling apart when it became stable again? Why does the universe hate me so much?

Lucas came and sat next to me. He licked his lips, then winked and gave me a smirk. That's when I gave him my middle finger. He seemed really angry. But guess what? I don't give a fuck. "Excuse me, Mrs. Heart, can I please switch places?" I asked. "sure you can sit in front of Nicole," she said I moved in front of Nic.

I put a hand under my head and sat thinking about Lucas. I seriously don't know how I ever fell for him. He seemed nice and kind at first. We had our first dates, kisses, I never imagined how lucky I was to be having him. I never imagined for him to do such things to me. We went on dates. But none of them could be nicer than Ace's dates. The kisses Lucas and I shared weren't filled with emotions, I thought that this was normal to not feel anything in kisses until I met Ace. All Lucas thought about was himself.

So let me tell you something before my mother was diagnosed with cancer I was like a bright flower. I was smiling then, a real smile. That attracted him to me. I always smiled. But then everything came falling down when my mother was diagnosed with cancer and she began taking chemotherapy, I was devastated. I thought I could talk to him, that he would listen and hug me and tell me that everything is going to be ok. But I thought wrong. He began fighting with me, telling me that not everything is supposed to be about me. The thing is that I always listened to him. I was devastated that he always fought with me. One time he even slapped me and then another time he tried to force himself on me, he was strong it took me effort to stop him before he did it, and because of that, he cheated on me with my best friend. I told him that my mom gave me a purity ring and I promised her not to do anything till I was married, I believed in the promise my mom and I made and I swore to keep my promise. He cheated on me a lot and I broke up with him every time but then he came asking for forgiveness and the silly me I was and still am till now dumb I forgave him. I was dumbly in love with him. Then after a year of still fighting, I was diagnosed with epilepsy. I told him. Then he just told me that it was too much for him to handle and that I'm a freak and that this can't be going on because I am selfish and fat and don't take care of myself. After that, he became my best friend's boyfriend and they bullied me every time they had a chance.

"Can I please go to the nurse's office," I asked Mrs. Heart knowing I had to go to the bathroom because I was having a series of fits "yeah? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. I mumbled a yeah and walked out of class. As I was in the bathroom I sat down on the floor. Not bearing the headache caused by the series of fits. The next thing I know it was a break.

"are you ok?" I saw Nic in front of me. I nodded and got up. "do you have my bag?" I asked her "yeah here you go" she gave me my bag and I reached inside of it and got my meds. We got out of the bathroom and went to the cafeteria.

"hey, are you ok?" Liam asked adding "you look like shit" Ace slapped the back of his head mumbling a hey. "you ok cupcake?" Ace asked pushing a strand of hair out of my face. I nodded and we all sat down.

"umm El can I talk to you?" I heard a too familiar voice saying. I turned around to look at the shit head in front of me. "first of all only my friends call me El." I said angrily raising my voice. "and second of all you had more than a year to talk about whatever the shit you wanna talk about and thirdly what was it.." I acting as if I was thinking "oh yeah FUCK. OFF." He seemed really surprised but angry at the same time. He was about to speak when I cut him "don't you understand what fuck off means? Well go ask your younger brother or that bitch Lucy and they'll explain" I shouted causing the whole cafeteria to look at us. "ohh and wait a second." I looked at my table and introduced the gang to the "everybody this is Lucas. And Lucas you don't deserve to know who they are." I said and sat down. Ace stood up angrily wanting to go to Lucas. "Ace he doesn't deserve your energy," I said.

We sat down in silence and let me tell it was not comfortable. "El isn't that the cookie I told you to eat." Ace said pointing at the cookie in Car's hand "umm no?" I said. "Carter who gave you this cookie?" Ace said knowing that I was lying. "Ella?" she said looking at Ace with a raised eyebrow. "I can't believe you didn't eat it, you promised," he said looking at me with hurt all over his face. "I couldn't eat it, really I couldn't," I said. "what would've happened if you ate it?" He asked. "pass," I said and got up and walked away. "pass what? Please answer me." He said beginning to get annoyed. "I don't want to say why," I said pleading him not to ask me anymore. "please tell me why. I'm beginning to get worried" he said. "I can't eat sweets in the morning. It triggers fits and seizures. At least that's what I think it makes to me" "I'm sorry," he said and engulfed me in a hug. He always made me feel safe. I hugged him back and buried my head in his chest. He kissed the crown of my head.

When I felt that the day couldn't get any worse, and was getting better I was wrong. And believe me, I was really wrong.

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