chapter 28

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I was shouting and crying wanting an answer. The next this I know I was asleep in the cemetery on my mother's grave and awoken by the rain.

Why do I cry? Why do I hurt? I don't know where to start. It never used to occur to me that it would really break my heart. Epilepsy is painful. My heart stabs in and out I always used to think that it was my fault, I filled my life with doubt. I feel confused my memory lost, please take this all away. Not only my disease but also my family. The seizures won't let up for me I feel them day to day. Please don't take away from me the only things that matter my self-esteem, my self-respect and leave my life in tatters.

So many lives have been turned completely upside down it makes me wonder whether to help frees me before I drown. the constant medication the side effects I've felt. I can't control things anymore. So much I feel been dealt. I don't know where I'm going or what may lie ahead. Many thoughts go through my mind and fill my soul with dread. I need to be myself again and find that chance for me. To feel the happiness I once had, to have hope and BE FREE.

I got up and ran out of the woods to my house, hoping that the monster wasn't at home.

I entered the house and saw nobody. I went to the bathroom and took a shower.

When I was done I exited the bathroom and got dressed. I went downstairs and took my phone out of my bag and began to eat an apple. The next thing I know the door was cracked open and I hid in the first place available.

I saw a lot of feet in the house searching for something. I was crying because I was scared when my phone rang I cried harder.

The feet began walking towards me I looked at the caller ID and saw Ace. I was about to answer when my hiding spot was revealed. I looked up to see who it was and I found Ace. I got up and hugged him really tight. While still crying. Ace hugged me back and' put his head in the crook of my neck. "you scared the shit out of us" Ace said. "I scared the shit out of you?!" "yeah we were looking all over you" Ace answered pointing at the rest of the gang.

After five minutes Nic and Car shooed all of them out knowing I still didn't want to see Ace.

I couldn't spend the night at my house so Car suggested that we sleepover at her house. Her house was a few blocks away so it wasn't that far with Nic's car.

When we arrived I got out of the car and entered her house. I saw Car's mum. "hey Diana how are you," I asked Car's mum giving her a weak smile while hugging her. "I'm good thank you. Are you ok darling? You look tired and have bags under your eyes" Diana asked me. "Mum?!" Car shouted. "what I just wanted to know if she was ok," Diana said. I laughed a small laugh. "I'm ok. Thank you" I thanked Diana for noticing.

We were in Car's room and I was laying in her bed staring at the ceiling. "where did you go? We were looking for you all over the world" Nic asked. "I was at my mother's and father's grave. I was wondering what to do in my life. What I did in my life to deserve this living hell." I stopped still staring at the ceiling. "I need him," I told them and looked at Car and Nicole. "I know that I've been ignoring him for just a day but I miss him. I miss his kisses I miss his hugs, his embrace, I want him, I need him, I love him." I finished hugging my legs. The girls came and sat next to me and hugged me. "we will find another plan. We promise." Nic said. Car stood up and got a paper, a pen and put her hair up in a messy bun. She sat on the bed and said. "ok we're gonna begin collecting ideas to get you your boyfriend and get your stepfather down"

At 2:30 am we had a new plan which was...

Unbreak my heartOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant