chapter 25

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Right now I was outside my house. They dropped me off and said they would come in the afternoon which was. And what happened next really shocked me.

I was about to put my key inside the door to open it when I saw the door open. I got inside the house scared of who was inside the house. I cursed and went further inside the house. I held the first thing that came into view which was a lamp.

I began walking inside on my tiptoes for the person inside my house not to hear me. I was praying to wasn't my step-father or as I say the monster.

The next thing I know that I was on the floor being kicked in my stomach. I suspect that it's Dave. When the person stopped hitting me for a second I looked up to see who the fuck he was I saw the devil standing on top of me. I felt a tear escape my eye. "why?" I asked. "why do you do that to me?" I continued. "because you're a worthless fat bitch who doesn't deserve to live. So I'm making this easy on you. I won't kill you I will just torture the hell out of you. And if anyone hears this you're gonna be tortured and will die afterward and all the people you love will die in front of you before you die. So spill a word and you're dead."





After an hour of hitting, he finally released me. But this time he didn't hit anywhere near my shoulder and upwards so that no-one can notice.

At this moment I was in my room crying my eyes out not knowing what to do I didn't want to tell anyone about this not even the girls.

I was in the bathroom staring at the swelling blue-purple body in front of me. My stomach was purple and my arms and legs too. I couldn't walk on my ankle. But being the girl I am I was used to it. I was used to it because of all the seizures that happen to me. Because sometimes when I get a seizure I fall on my ankle, wrist or foot. So I got used to it.

I got cut off my thoughts with my phone ringing. I saw the caller ID and it was Ace. I didn't want to answer because I know if I answered I would cry by the sound of his voice. So I let the phone ring. He called me a couple of times but I didn't answer because I couldn't let him know about what happened, I love him so much that I know I can't live without him even for a second.

After ten minutes I got a message from him saying 'hey babe call me when you get this' when I saw the message I cried my eyes out, I wanted him to be with me at the moment I wanted to tell him everything. I want him. I need him. I love him.


After an hour I missed El I missed her voice. I wanted her.

I was worried and I had a voice inside me that said something was wrong. So I decided to call her I expected that she would answer but no. I called her again but she didn't answer and lastly, I felt really worried and thought she would answer the third time but she didn't I was worried really worried.

So I was thinking about what to do I was anxious about her. I didn't know what to do. I kept walking back and forth. "dude what the hell is going on? We cant watch a movie." Liam said frustrated. "Ella didn't answer my calls or messages. I am really worried and something inside me is telling me that she isn't ok" I said still walking back and forth. "so text her" Max said casually. "no shit Sherlock I already texted her and she didn't reply." I said in a duh voice.

I called her like 20 times in the previous 30 minutes but there was no answer. "if she doesn't answer in the next call I will go to her and check what's up". I said. I called her hoping she would answer. 

"Hello?" She finally answered.  "Hi, babe are you ok? I called you like a hundred times and you didn't answer. I something wrong? Did anyone do anything to you? I promise I'll kill them." I bombarded Ella with questions. "hi Ace... I'-m fine- nothing happened to me. I wasn't- umm j-ust near my phone that'..s all." She said. I knew she was lying. Because when she lies she stutters. And I knew she was about to cry. I sensed it in her voice. From that, I knew something happened to her. "Anyway, what did you want?" She asked trying to end the call. "I wanted to hear your voice and ask you if you want to come to my house? And if you wanted me to come to pick you up?" I asked her. "noo no." she said really quickly. "I mean no. I am really tired and can't get out of my house" she said "I can come to you and we can cuddle" I said. "I think I am sick and I don't want you to become sick to I'll see you tomorrow in school. Ok?" She said really weirdly. "but." As I was gonna say something that could make her change her mind. She said "No butts, I'll see you tomorrow at school. Bye," she finished and ended the line without even giving me the time to say goodbye.

"so she finally answered?" Liam asked. "yeah but something is wrong," I said "like?" Max asked. "There is something wrong with Ella" I stated "she was about to cry when we were talking and she stuttered and tried to end the call as soon as possible. She also told me that she can't come to my house and I can't go to hers because she is sick. But she didn't look sick this morning." I finished. "dude something's up," Max said. "no shit Sherlock," Liam said it this time knowing that I was gonna say it.

After an hour of us thinking of what to do I decided to call her again. This time she answered from the first beep.

"Hello?" Someone said "hey you are not Ella," I said "duuh I'm Nicole" Nicole answered the phone for El. "what are you doing there? Isn't El sick? Give me El" I demanded. "Um she isn't here right now she is taking a bath," Nicole said. "Hey but I hear her voice," I said hearing Ella's voice in the background. "What? I can't hear you. The signal is weak." She finished and cut the phone on purpose while we were talking. Even if I suspected that something was wrong now I'm sure something is wrong.

Ella POV

After forty minutes of him calling none stop, I decided to answer and let me tell you he was not convinced with what I was saying. He knew I was lying.

I decided to lay down on my bed to think of what I am gonna tell them tomorrow. I decided to order pizza because I was really hungry. After half an hour the pizza came so I wore a half armed shirt on my sports bra and a shorty shorts. I went down slowly and because of my foot. I opened the door and peeked to see who was outside and found Nic and Car I closed it quickly and grabbed a hoody that was next to the door and sweatpants that were next to them.

It took me two seconds to get them on. I opened the door "hey girl why didn't you answer our calls?" Car asked. "I'm just a bit sick," I said and faked a cough. "HAHA," Nic said in a sarcastic tone. "Now seriously why didn't you answer our calls?" Car asked. "seriously I'm sick." I said. "are you gonna leave us out here?" Nic asked. "rude," she said in a high pitched voice while singing. "I opened the door for them to enter. "oh sorry". Fortunately, they just entered and went directly upstairs to my room. I cleaned up downstairs because of the blood downstairs. As I was about to get upstairs the doorbell rung. I got downstairs and opened the door, got the pizza, entered my bedroom and put the pizza in the middle of my bed and began eating.

"so why have you been avoiding us?" Nic asked. "I haven't been avoiding you guys my phone is out of charge that's it." I said and when they believed what I was saying my phone rung. "out of charge huh?" Car asked. "spill it". "I'm sick, and have a high temperature and was sleeping. I just didn't want to tell any of ya. OK. I didn't want you guys to get worried." I said knowing that they won't get worried over something that stupid. But I hoped that they would buy it.

After we finished the pizza Nic stood up and "where are you going?" I asked. "to the bathroom?" She said in a duh voice.

After a minute she flushed the toilet and washed her hands then I realized that I didn't the blood after myself in the bathroom. "so you told us you're sick huh?" Nic asked "yeah?" I said with a questioning look. "ok I believe you" she said. I sighed in relief. "ok but what is this." She took a towel filled with blood from behind her back.

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