chapter 17

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Ace's POV

I sat with her head on my lap crying. After a couple of minutes, two men came with a bed to take her to the hospital. As they took her they told me that I could go with them in the ambulance car. When we were in the car I kept on holding her hand till we reached the hospital. She was unconscious. The nurse checked her pulse. "What's her name?" "Ella Walter" "How old is she?" "Almost 18" "When you arrived was the patient awake?" "For almost 30 seconds, then she passed out" She opened El's eyes and put light on them. "Ella, can you hear me?" El didn't respond. She made a few other steps till we reached the hospital. "What's wrong with her?" I asked her but she didn't respond. I asked her again a couple of times, but still no response "I said what's wrong with her don't you ignore me" I demanded an answer "I don't know" She said then disappeared.

Right at that moment when we reached the hospital they took her running to the operation room I ran behind them. "sir you can't come in with us." "what do you mean? she's my girlfriend" I said reaching for the knob of the operation room. "I'm sorry sir." They said going into the room and closing the door behind them. I slid down on the nearest wall and my hands in my hair.

It was 3 am and I was still in the same position as I was before 4 hours. The girls were here too but they left two hours ago and told me they would come here as soon as the sun shines in the morning.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Liam in front of me. "Ace she's gonna be ok I promise," he said. I was standing as he said that. "what do you mean she gonna be ok? Ha. She's suffering in there. She's been there for like 4:30 hours." I said punching the next wall that was in view, causing it to break. "I need her Liam," I said. And then slid in the same position where I was sitting in the first place.

It is nearly 6 am and she wasn't out. Then I heard the operation's door open. I went running to El. She was ruined. She had bruises all over her face and her head was wrapped. She also had a tube of glucose that stuck a needle in her hand. There was also a blood bag and a needle stuck in her hand for blood transfusion. She had something that was inside her nose to give her oxygen.

"is she gonna be ok?" I asked the doctor. "umm. About that. She's really lucky she's alive. You called us at the right time. So about her" he stopped and then continued "she broke three ribs, she has a crack in the brain, she has lost a lot of blood because of the stab that was in her stomach. She also had a stab right next to her heart. Well there was glass stabs that were new, do you know anything about them" I shook my head "Well they were deep and they reopened, we had to stitch them. I think she has Epilepsy right?" I nodded "Well she had a series of continuous seizures and now she is in an induced coma. She is stable now. But we can't suspect when she will wake up" he said and walked away. I was depressed, I don't know what to do without her, my life has no meaning. "wait" I shouted, "can I go see her?" I asked. "yeah but only two at a time."

I walked in and saw her laying down. Even if she was beaten up she still looked beautiful. I sat down in a chair next to her and held her hand and put my head onto it. I knew something was wrong. She had a seizure but she didn't tell me. I ran a hand through my hair. God, I love her so much, and it kills me to see her in pain.

Next thing I know I was woken up by Carter and Nicole. "Did she wake up?" I asked excitedly and looked at El and saw her still sleeping. I looked down in disappointment. "what do you want?" I asked them. "you have to go to your house to sleep," they said. "never," I said not taking my eyes off the angel in front of me. As I saw her again my eyes began to be teary again.

After a while, all of us were here next to El.

"Would you please do me a favor?" I asked all of them. "sure" they said at the same time. "can you go get me some clothes and shampoo from home?" I said directing my words to Liam and Max. They nodded. "they said all of them going out of the room.

After 4 days:

I gave the doctor the list of medications she's on

These days have been hell without El. Her medication is being put in the glucose tube to go into her body. Her bruises began to fade away.

The guys and I were going to school but when school is over I come here. I don't go to practice. I'm not doing very well at school. I hit like four boys in the last few days. I stayed here with El before school and after school, I gave the school a letter from the hospital that says that El's in a coma. And I talked with the school and convinced them that El won't be repeating the year, I told them that when she wakes up she'll catch up and do the exams and they agreed to give her extra credit activities so that she can keep her high GPA. Thankfully El had her SAT I and SAT II done so there is nothing to worry about but her GPA. During school time Sierra came and sat with her. I wanted to be with her. I wanted to be the first one to see her awake. I always talk to her and tell her southing words that can make her maybe wake up sooner. I always see in movies that when someone is in a coma they talk to them and then they wake up. So don't judge me I'm trying my chances.

"How's she? Anything new?" Car asked. I shook my head. All of them were here. "so heard the news?" Max asked me. "what news?" I asked him curiously. "so you know that the lab is right next to the gym right?" I nodded "well there are two dumb guys Grayson and Lucas they made an explosion and it blew up the wall from the lab and ruined the gym. So the prom is postponed for about a month and 3 weeks." I was happy. "really?" I smiled for the first time since El's accident. "yeah why?" Nicole asked "because now El can come to the prom," I said with hope all over me.

5 days later:

I've been sitting with her ever since the accident.

I've been sleeping next to her on a bed next to her bed. I've been talking to her even though he doesn't respond but I still talk to her, I know she's hearing me. The guys come every day after school and leave at 10 pm. On the weekends they come and spend the days with us. El's room was full of flowers, balloons, cards, and chocolates.

"hey, a Lindt." Car said trying to reach for the chocolate. "leave the chocolate alone. They belong to El she's gonna eat them when she wakes up." I told her to take all the chocolates in the room and putting them in the drawer next to me. She pouted and sat on Max's lap.

They left at 10:30 pm today.

Nothing has changed since El was in the coma. I've never left her side only when I wanted to go to the bathroom or shower, and for school, and I also left her two times just for the nurses to shower her. I don't eat a lot I just drink coffee and a donut, which has been my daily meal for the last 9 days.

After another two weeks

I'm miserable, I hate my life it's horrible. I don't laugh, smile, anything, my life is just dark and the only thing that could make it better is El. I'm waiting for her. I haven't eaten, the guys told me that I lost a lot of weight and that I've got a beard. But I honestly don't care. When El comes back and if she doesn't like it then I'll shave it, but if she likes it then I'm going to keep it growing. After a second I saw her finger move. I ran out of the door smiling calling the doctor. "come on" I said literally dragging the doctor behind me. "she moved, I swear I saw her fingers moving" "God you scared me I thought she died" he realized what he said but then continued "It's natural" he walked a few steps towards El. He took a pen and moved it on her barefoot, then I saw her move again. "See?" I said "yeah I know" he sighs "but that's a reflex. It's a generalized response, it's a reflex for no certain reason." I nodded and sigh.

"El I miss you so much, I can't bear not listening to your angelic voice anymore. I miss your laugh, I miss your eyes and smile. I miss your blush. I miss your dimples. And I freaking miss your kiss. I haven't had warmth since you left me. I miss your hug. I fucking hate my life without you. And I can't imagine my life without you. It's like you took my heart and have it with you. I can't sleep, eat or leave your side. I can't bear the thought of walking in the street without you by my side. You can't leave me El. I love you. I love you so freaking much it hurts. I haven't cried that much since my sister died. I need you El." I said crying my eyes out. "I promise I will protect you with my life. Just wake up. I promise I'll do any and everything you want just wake up. Please. For me" I said holding her hands and taking a strand of hair that was on her face. "I love you, Ella," I said and sat down next to her again and put my head next to her hand, and slept not knowing what would happen next.

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