chapter 78

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"hey, how are you" I called Ella. "fine, I just have someone poking my eyes. Nothing big" I laughed. "why don't you tell them you what a break" "I got a break at four for an hour, and since then I am a doll in-between Tristan and Makayla." She chuckled. "what did you do it the break?" I asked her. "nothing actually, I just went to Starbucks and walked through the mall" I knew she was lying. Ella never walks through the mall alone. And she just goes to the mall when she has to. "seriously what did you do?" "what? cant I go through the mall?" She said. Before I could even respond "now enough chitchatting" Lea told me though the phone and ended the call.

It was nine and Ella didn't finish what she was doing. My phone rung "hey it's Ella" I heard her angelic voice. "I know" I chuckled. "can you come over?" She asked me. "of course," I said getting up "but why?" "Carter wants to tell us something."

After 15 minutes I was at her house. I entered and saw El. Her hair was just like her normal hair. "didn't you spend the day doing your wedding hair?" She nodded "so?" "they returned me to my normal hair so that you wouldn't know what my hair would look like." She sighs and rolled her eyes. I sat down next to her and took her in my arms and gave her a peck on the lip.

"so what did you want to tell us?" I asked Carter. "so since the wedding is the day after tomorrow, the rehearsal dinner is tomorrow at 3 and will end at 5." Ella cut her off "don't you think dinner is supposed to be at like 6?" Carter shook her head. "then after 5 both of you aren't going to see each other till the day after at 3 on the aisle" "what?" We shouted. "from 5 tomorrow?" Ella said. "what are we gonna do after the rehearsal dinner? Sleep early?" She made fun of Carter. "Ha Ha" Carter laughed sarcastically. "no there is a bachelor party for each one of you" she pointed at us. "and it starts at 5?" I asked her. "no I guess at 8" "then why from 5?"

After a lot of negotiation, we didn't change anything plus she forbid us from kissing tomorrow and the day after till we become husband and wife. And she demanded that we sleep in different houses. "GOSH woman you're impossible, so demanding," I said shaking my head. "well thank you, I'll take that as a compliment" Carter pushed her behind her shoulder. "no, please don't" she glared at me. Before she could come up with a comeback Ella held my hand and led me to the door. "I think it's time for you to go before you get eaten by her" she pointed at Carter. "I guess so" I grabbed her from her waist and pulled her close to me, she giggles at the fast action. "I'm gonna miss you," I said leaning to kiss her. She stood on her tiptoes and put her hands around my neck. Our lips touched and a thousand emotions filled my body. We pulled away. "I don't know how I'm gonna survive these two days without touching your lips." I caressed her lips. "neither do I" we heard a few coughs around us. We groaned.

I left her house and when I reached mine I got in my bed and slept.

Ella POV

We finished every task for today and I want to tell you something. I got a new tattoo. It's on my wrist. It's an A in cursive and it has a crown on it. It's like Ace King. Do you get it? A  for Ace, and a crown for King. Still don't get it? Ok then forget it. But I decided to show it to Ace the day after tomorrow. We finished my hair and everything at 7. "we have a final task before we finally finish everything" Carter said. I looked at her waiting for her to say what when she pointed at the store behind her. Victoria Secret.

"what are we doing here?" I asked her walking in looking at the stuff. "you know" she said smirking. "no I don't know" "yes you know don't play dumb with me." She begins getting angry. "seriously I don't know, enlighten me". They waited a minute for me to think about it till I finally understood "ohh" I blushed instantly.

Unbreak my heartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora