chapter 52

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I was really tired from the whole day. First I woke up and drove and got some coffee. I entered school and spent the really long day with full of boring classes. The school day was over and I had a game to prepare.

It was 3:55 when El finally came. I waited all day long for her to come, the day was really boring without her.

I was talking to Max and Liam, when she came and gave me a peck on my cheek "hey" she said and smiled. "hi" I kissed her forehead and returned the smile. "you look really good in my jersey" I said smirking. She smiled and said "look who I brought with me" she sang the sentence. She stepped aside and I saw Sierra. I gave El the 'why' look. "be nice" she demanded, and I nodded in response.

The game started and Sierra didn't stop cheering, like when I make a goal the cheers. But when any player from the other team touches me she begins to curse.

The game ended and we won in the last second. The whole team crushed me in a hug. And when I say the crushed me I really do mean it. When they went to talk to other people, I saw El running to me I put her up in the air twirling her. When I put her down I kissed her. "you made it" she smiled and hugged me. I smiled and gave her another peck. "now go have a shower" she said. I nodded and entered the showers.

It took me a long time till I entered the shower, I really don't know why.

We exit the school and saw the girls sitting on a random car. Every one of us guys went and stood next to their girlfriend. Unlike any of the guys I put my arm around my girlfriend's waist. "so what are we going to do?" Liam asked. "how about we eat pizza and chill?" Nicole suggested. I looked at Ella to see if she wants to, she nodded. "sounds good to us" I said. When the rest of us agreed we went home.

We were choosing the movie when the bell rang. I was about to get up when El said "I'll get it" and put a hand on my thigh. "are you sure?" She stood up and nodded. "I want to watch Sidney white," Carter said. "yeah me too" Nicole agreed. "but I wanna watch she's the man," Max said. "me too" Liam and I nodded.

We continued arguing until my angel entered the room. "which would you rather watch, she's the man or Sidney white?" Nicole asked El. "why do I always have to be greeted by that question?" El rolled her eyes. "just choose one" Carter demanded. "fine. She's the man" I smiled "that's my girl" I said and pulled El on my lap.

I couldn't get my hand out of El's hair, it was so fluffy and soft. I couldn't really focus on the movie. I was busy thinking about the angel on my lap.

The movie ended and the guys were about to leave when Carter turned around "how about we spend the day tomorrow together?" She asked. All of us nodded.

They left and we slept in like 15 minutes.

I was awakened by a scream. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 4:00 in the morning. I looked next to me and saw that Ella wasn't there. I ran downstairs and saw Sierra in a robe and she was looking down in the kitchen. I looked where she was looking and saw El on the ground with a glass cup shattered next to her. I ran to her and held her head in my hands. "Ella?" I asked hoping for an answer. I saw held her wrist hoping for heartbeats and I found them. She was breathing. I carried her bridal style and carried her to my room. Sierra was following me. I put her on the bed and covered her with the covers. "what happened to her?" Sierra asked me still freaking out. "I'm not sure. But I think she had a seizure." I said looking at El with worry. "poor Ella" she said and put the hair that was on El's face next to her on the pillow.

Sierra left the room and I was laying down next to Ella hoping that she wakes up anytime soon. As expected I fell asleep.

I woke up hearing groaning next to me. I look at the clock and see that it's 10:20. Wow, we slept so much. I looked next to me and saw El moving. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "did I have a seizure yesterday?" She asked me. I nodded and put a string of hair behind her ear. "do you feel ok?" I asked her worried. She nodded. "I woke up at six I was dying but now I feel ok." She said. "are you sure?" I asked her. "do you just have a medication for a headache?" She asked me. I nodded and gave her panadol from next to me.

Ella POV

I woke up at 10:20 today. I know I had a seizure. Right now I have a killer headache.

I looked next to me and saw a worried Ace. "do you feel ok?" He asked me. I nodded, I didn't want to tell him that my brain is going to explode. "I woke up at six I was dying but now I feel ok." Compared to the time I first wake up from a seizure I am 75% better. "are you sure?" I nodded. "do you have a medication for a headache?" I asked him. He nodded and gave me a panadol. He got up and got me a bottle of water. "thanks" I thanked him. He sat next to me again.

Ace took his phone and dialed Liam's number. "what are you doing?" I asked him. "I'm telling Liam to tell the rest of us that we're not going," he said and began calling him. "no you're not," I said. "yes I am," he said. "no you're not," I said again "yes I am," he said. "ok so I have an idea," I said. "ok," he said listening. "how about we go today" I stopped. "but we'll go instead of 11:30 am we'll go 1:00 pm," I said. He kept thinking. "ook," he said hesitantly.

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