chapter 13

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In a blink of an eye, the day was over and Ace told me that he would be waiting for me in his car. "El please hear me out. I want to explain." Lucas said. Before I even knew it I was surrounded by walls. Ace was in front of me while Liam, Nic, Max, and Car are behind me. "her name is Ella for you. And beat it before I beat you" Ace said. "hey she can speak herself. Let her tell me she doesn't want me and I'll leave." Lucas said. "or are you her bodyguard?" Lucas said sarcastically. Ace was about to take a hit on him when I grabbed his shoulder to stop him. I took his curled hand that relaxed under my touch. Ace stood beside me so that Lucas could see me. "What do you want? Fuck off" I said a bit scared this time and I'm sure Ace noticed and so did Lucas. Lucas seemed angry, really angry "I wanna talk" "no your time is up. And we don't have anything to talk about anymore. You had more than a year's chance. And I want you to leave." I said calmly not wanting to cry. Ace held my hand for support. "please for just a minute?" He said pleadingly. I nodded "in private please" "there are no secrets between us so, if you want to talk, you talk in front of my friends, there is nothing they don't already know about," I said still calm. "ok. I'm sorry about what happened last year. And I wanna get back to you. It was just a misunderstanding and what do you see in that guy? I want you to give me another chance" he said as if he has done nothing wrong while pointing at Ace from head to toe.

Ace, Liam, and Max were about to make a move on him but we girls stopped them. I stepped in front of Ace "ok that's it. 'You are a freak. You are an orphan and you killed your parents. You're a nerd and no one and by no one, I really mean no one can love you. And if someone tells you they love you they just say it from pity.' Is that enough or should I continue? You ruined my life more than it was already ruined. You made me believe that I was nothing. You are an asshole. You don't deserve second chances. You are selfish and just care about what people say. Do you see the people that are standing behind me? Yeah? Well, they helped me figure out that it's not the sickness or background you have that describes who you really are. I gave you more than one chance, I gave you maybe ten or more, I forgave you, I believed you when you said you will change, but it was my problem at the very first time I saw you treat me like trash it was my fault that I forgave you it was my fault that I didn't leave you" I stopped and looked behind me and saw them smiling at me. "these are real friends, not like the friend that came running to you and being your girlfriend and told every single one in school that I was a freak." I stopped to breathe then continued. "and this" I took Ace's hand and brought him next to me, "this is my boyfriend, who stands by my side no matter what and I love him" I said looking at Ace in the last part. "the people behind me are the ones that helped me build up my walls again." I said. Now I came a step forward "when you came here I know you expected that I would come running to you when you tell me you want us to get back together. And believe me, it will never ever happen. So for the sake of God leave us alone. So stay away from me and my friends." I said and then turned back to the gang telling them "let's go guys" "can you at least hear me out?" He asked "no fuck off" I said walking away. After a second my arm was in a hard grasp my hair was also in the grasp, I whimpered in fear and tears were in my eyes. After a second I was on the floor. I looked up and saw Ace hitting Lucas. "don't you dare touch my girl again" he shouted hitting him with every word he said. Lucas looked me in the eyes while getting hit by Ace. Ace followed the trail of Lucas' eyes and saw me in tears. "don't you look at her." Liam and Max got Ace off of Lucas. Lucas looked at me one more time before spitting the blood on the floor with the look that this isn't the end. I shook my head and wiped my tears. Ace came and helped me stand up.

Right now I was in my house doing maths homework. When I heard something bang on my window. I looked at who it was and saw Lucas again. I shook my head and sat back on my bed and continued doing homework.

At that moment I exit my house and took my bike and went to Ace's.

I knocked on the door and Sierra opened it. "hey Sierra" "Hey Ella, how are you?" She asked "good thank you! By any chance do you know where Ace is?" "I think he's in his room." She said "thank you, bye," I said walking up the stairs I entered his room seeing him sitting on the floor and doing maths homework while listening to music. "boo." I scared him. And actually, for the first time in forever, I scared someone. He actually got scared. "you scared the shit out of me," he said smiling. I was about to sit down next to him when he took me and put me in his lap so that we could see each other. He took some hair that was on my face and pushed it behind my ear I smiled. "you're beautiful you know that?" He said and as usual, I blushed.

"hey listen I have to tell you something," he said making me scared of what is coming next. "umm you actually might not like what is coming next but I'll tell you anyway" "you're not breaking up with me are you?" I asked. "no what? Never" he took a breath and continued "umm you know I felt like you have to know my secret I know you might not want to be with me anymore but I'll risk it" "I would never ever leave you," I said reassuring him. "ok.. umm I had a younger sister when I was young when I was 13 she was 6 years old." He choked his words out "Her name was Nathalie. Nobody actually knew her. My parents told me to babysit her. We were sitting with each other outside in the backyard. I told her that I was gonna bring a ball from inside the house and when I returned she wasn't there. I went searching everywhere and when I found her she was dead in front of our house. A car hit her and ran away. I hate myself for that. I killed her." By the point, he was crying. I left and went to the kitchen and brought ice cream and came back. I entered the room, sat in the same position, and gave him the ice cream and spoon. "you didn't kill her, it wasn't your fault" he looked me into the eyes, put down the ice cream on the floor and hugged me. He hugged me tightly putting his head on my chest. "so you won't leave me?" He asked "never" I hugged him back playing with his hair.

"Bye I'll come and get you tomorrow," Ace said while driving away. He insisted to drive me home because it was way too dark. "bye" I said and entered the house.

Tomorrow all of us were going to the beach after school. So since tomorrow will end sooner than every school day we will go at 11:30 am. So I was pretty excited.

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