chapter 82

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"hey" we looked behind us and saw Lucas. "before you say anything" he begins "I came here with an invitation" he took the invitation from a pocket inside his suit. Ella and I looked at each other with a raised eyebrow. "I know it's strange that I came here, but I just wanted to tell you, both of you actually" he stopped. "you are really good for each other, and I wish you the best in the future." He said with full honesty. "and Ella if time went back, I would've never treated you like I did" he looked at Ella. "I just came here today to wish you luck in your life, congrats" he smiled. "thank you," Ella said. "it means a lot to us" I nodded. "I hope someday that you meet your one" she finished. "thank you bro" I patted him on the shoulder.

It's been half an hour and we've been photographed at least 20 pictures in 20 different places. "time to change" Carter said taking Ella. "change what?" "put Ella in a new dress" Ella groaned and got up. "a new dress?" Ella nodded. "Daniella's idea" I nodded.

After another 20 minutes, she came out with another breathtaking dress. "wow" no words can express the way she looks. She came and hugged me "I love you," she said and kissed me.

After another photo session, we went to Cipriani. We made our entrance and the music for our first dance begins.

Ella POV

The song begins and we dance on the rhythm. "I can't believe we're finally one," I said. "we were one before we even got married" I rest my head against his chest. "you know, you look beautiful." "you more handsome" I poked his nose.

The song and 6 after them ended. We were dancing our asses off. It was 9 and it was time for dinner. Ace and I sat next to the bridesmaids and groomsmen. All of them made toasts.

Then it came to Daniella "Hello everyone, I am Ace's mother. As many of you know, our family can be a little crazy. We can be loud and maybe even intimidating to outsiders who don't know us. But we are also fiercely loyal. We would do anything for each other and we love each other dearly.

When Ella was first introduced to the family, I hoped that she wouldn't be scared off. You could instantly tell that she was a wonderful person and you could see how much she cared about Ace and how deep her love for him was.

Now I know that I can sometimes come on too strong. But Ella held her own and quickly found her place in this family. And now that she and Ace are married, they are creating their own family together.

While the love of a mother is like nothing else, I know firsthand that there is something truly special about the love that a husband and wife have for each other. That kind of love is strong and unlike anything else. It is a treasure that you must cherish always.

Ella, thank you for being part of the family and for making Ace so happy. Let us all toast to the happy newlyweds" she and raised her glass.

"Ella and Ace, separately you are two wonderful people but together, you are even better. You finish each other's sentences and can communicate without even saying a word. You know how to make each other laugh and smile and you know how to comfort each other as well.

You are two peas in a pod, there is no question at all that you were always meant to be together. I have so much love and respect for the two of you, for the lengths that you would go to for each other to make each other happy. Never lose what you two have because it is a priceless thing that you are lucky to be able to enjoy. Let us all raise a glass to the wonderful couple, my son Ace and his wife, Ella" Xavier raised his glass. I looked at Ace and put my hand on his.

After dinner, it was time to cut the cake. A white decorated five-layered cake came into view. We went towards it and the knife was on the table right next to the cake. I took the knife and held it firm. I looked at Ace and he put his hand above mine. We cut the cake and pulled a piece out to it. We took the forks and cut two pieces and put them into each other's mouths. There was lots of cheering. I took a piece of the cake and put it on Ace's face and laughed. He laughed. I went to him and kissed him. "you taste really good you know that?" I asked him. "I know" we laughed and kissed again. He put his arms around my waist and kept me really close to him.

As it was almost eleven and we are dancing like there's no tomorrow. The song all the single ladies came up. "to all the single ladies it's time to throw the bouquet" the DJ announced in the microphone. "can all ladies come in the middle?" He requested. Every girl stood in the middle of the hall. I gave them my back. "3,2,1" I threw the bouquet really high. I look behind me and see the bouquet in Makayla's arms. She jumped out of happiness. I hugged her. "congrats"

"and now" the DJ stopped. "I hope Ace is good at finding things" I raised my eyebrow. "it's time for finding the garter" everyone was cheering. I blushed "wait, but of course not without the dance" I was put on a chair. Damon, Liam, Max, and Noah were standing behind Ace in front of me. XXL's song came up. Ace begins doing those strippers' moves. He came towards me and sat on my lap. I kept laughing and every time he does one of these moves I blush and laugh harder and harder. He walked towards the boys and unbuttons his tux and throws the jacket on the floor. Everyone is cheering. He comes towards me again and sits on my lap and does these moves again. He gets up and gives me his back and wiggles his butt. I laugh and put my hands on my face. He walks off again but this time the boys and he come one step towards me and push Ace on the floor.

Right now he's inside my dress. I feel his warm breath against my legs. When he found the garter he takes it off slowly. And with another finger he moves it slowly against my other leg, knowing that his touch puts me on fire. I blush and shake my head. I put my hands on my face.

After a couple of seconds, he got out and put the garter in the air. Everyone was cheering, especially the boys. He smirked at me. He took my hand and brought me towards him and kissed me. "don't you ever do that again" I pointed at him trying my best not to smile. "do what?" He asked innocently. I shook my head. "it's time to throw the garter in the air" the DJ announced. Ace gave the boys his back  "3,2,1" he threw it. We looked to see that Lucas took it. We chuckled and the night kept going.

After a few more songs. The day was over. "don't forget to take the Godiva love bites with you" the DJ said and turned the mic off and turned his stuff off. Everyone was out of the hall and we were out too.

We got in the car and drove home.

After Ace and I ate breakfast we took the bags we packed two days ago and headed to the airport.

We were waiting for the boarding when I remembered the tattoo "hey I need to show you something" I was excited. He nodded. Since I was wearing a jacket, I took it off. I sat down again. "ready?" He nodded. I showed him my wrist. He smiled a million-dollar smile. "do you like it?" I asked him. He nodded and gave me a kiss. "I wanna show you something too" I nodded. He gave me his forearm. "wow, it's beautiful" I said smiling brightly.

After a while of talking the plane began boarding.

The last 5 days were amazing. Hawaii and St.Barts were beautiful. The beaches, the people, the sun, everything was perfect. We're in Paris at the moment.

We are in a cafe right next to the Tour Eiffel "Bonjour" the waitress came wanting our orders. "bonjour, nous voulons Deux cafés, un muffin et un croissant" Ace said "est-de tout?" "oui merci"

After we had breakfast and we were already walking admiring France.

France was amazing, we went to Disneyland, had a special dinner on the Tour Eiffel, and made shopping.

Venice was also great, the single transportation they had, were these boots, they were amazing. There was no traffic and it was amazing.

Mykonos and Santorini were beautiful, their houses are amazing and the beach is amazing.

Lastly, we went to Sharm-el-sheikh, don't even get me started it was amazing. The sun was amazing, it was hot unlike America and the beach had waves. And trust me when I say it, the place was clean. We wandered through it and it was flawless.

The honeymoon was over. Everywhere we went they gave us complimentary champaign, put us fresh flowers every morning. And trust me when I say, we had so much fun in every way, not just tourism but also other ways. And I think you know what I'm talking about.

We also ate a lot, and I gained so much weight in just a couple of weeks, that when I get back I'm gonna do the thing I hate the most DIET.

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