chapter 63

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The last couple of months were great. Ace and I kept going to dates. And guess what? We renovated my house. We renovated everything. From furniture to walls to kitchen. And even the floor and bathrooms. It was a new house full of new memories. Ace and I did most of it. The gang also helped us. We finished the house after a couple of weeks. I took the master bedroom and renovated it as I liked it.

We renovated the other three rooms for guest rooms. All of them looked different but amazing.

Ace and I kept switching houses. Somedays we slept at his and somedays at mine. Somedays I slept alone. We made sleepovers. And made a lot of memories all of them were fun, romantic, funny. But all of them were awesome.

Ace and I spent time with his parents. They became a real family, that knows everything about each other as if they didn't leave each other for a day. I was really happy for him and for Lilly

Tomorrow was prom and the graduation is a day after. I had two dresses one for prom and the other one for graduation. Nic, Car and I decided to surprise each other with our dresses. So neither one of us knows how the dresses of the others look like. I really like that.

Today was prom day. "Ace today is prom" I shouted really excited. He didn't wake up. I climbed over him. "Ace" I poked his chest. Still no response. I leaned in and kissed him, he responded. "what a great way to wake up someone" Ace said smiling. I gave him another peck and smiled. "today is prom" I was really excited. He smiled at me and turned us over. "hey you're fat" I giggled. "really?" I nodded. "then take this" I raised my eyebrows. He tickled me. I laughed my Ace out. "say you're sorry" he laughed. "no" I said. "ok" he kept tickling me. "fine, fine I'm sorry" he stopped and kept sitting over me. "I love you" "not more than I love you" I poked him in the chest and giggled.

The door of our bedroom opened. "you" Carter pointed at Ace. "get out" she demanded. Ace and I looked at each other and raised our eyebrows. "What why?" I said not wanting him to go. "today is prom day remember?" Nic reminded me eating a banana. "but there is plenty of time" I said. "well actually no, because it's 12:45 pm" Nic looked at her phone. "so?" Ace said. "we already have our dresses and the makeup and hair can be done in maximum an hour" I explained to Nic and Car making Ace nod.

Ace left a few hours ago and it's almost 6 o clock. "when will they come and pick us up?" I asked them. "7:00 pm" Nic responded and I nodded.

I left them without them noticing. I dialed Ace's number and called him. He responded after the first beat. "Hey, sweet cheeks" I giggled. "hey babe". "what are you doing?" I asked him. "nothing, watching tv and eating pasta". "so lucky" I groaned. "why?" He asked me. "first of all, I didn't eat breakfast or lunch" I stopped "the only thing I ate today is a banana, it's like I'm in a prison Ace" I was desperate for food. "what have you been doing since I left?" He asked me. "I seriously don't know" I was honest. "well I'm gonna be at yours after 30 minutes." I nodded. "try to survive" he chuckled. "I love you" "I love you too," I said and we hung up.

"where have you been missy?" Carter asked. "nowhere" I looked on the ground. "any way we don't have time," Nicole said.

We already did our hair. Nic made her hair curly and put concealer, foundation, bronzer, drew on her eyebrows with the brown eyebrow pencil, she also put black and silver eyeshadow, she put eyeliner and mascara and black and silver eyeshadow, she also put red lipstick. We went down to wear her dress.

Carter made her hair wavy. She put concealer, foundation, she really thickened her eyebrows with the brown eyebrow pencil, she put bronzer and for the eyeshadow, she put black, grey and a really light shade of pink. Under her eye, she made some traces of light pink. She put eyeliner, mascara, blush and finished her makeup with a matte dark shade of pink lipstick. She followed Nic downstairs.

I have no problem with makeup and hair. Till right know I didn't do my hair and makeup because I know that it won't take me time. My problem was that I didn't buy shoes that can fit my dress.

The doorbell rang and I didn't find any shoes yet. At least I put on makeup. Well, I put eyeliner, blush, mascara and a light pink matte lipgloss. I let my hair loose and made in it a few curls. I wore the dress and decided to keep looking for shoes.

 I wore the dress and decided to keep looking for shoes

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The guys have been waiting down for at least 5 minutes. I found a low mid-heel that's black and a little bit sparkly.

I seriously don't know how I did that in ten minutes but thank god that I finished in time or to be precise five minutes overtime.

I run downstairs yelling "sorry, sorry, sorry. I know I'm pretty late. Sorry" I said and stopped. They were standing and looking at me. I didn't know what the look meant. Is it boredom, anger on anything else. I looked at the girls and saw them looking good as ever.

Carter had a white dress on. It was short but get's longer from behind.

Nicole had a long-sleeved black dress that showed her figure till her waist but loosens up till the floor

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Nicole had a long-sleeved black dress that showed her figure till her waist but loosens up till the floor.

"you girls look amazing," I said trying to stop the silence

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"you girls look amazing," I said trying to stop the silence. The girls smiled but didn't speak. "guys I told you I'm sorry" I said getting annoyed. Ace came to me and hugged me. He looked hot, like really hot. I hugged him back and smelled his cologne it was amazing. He wore a black tux and a white buttoned-up shirt. "you look hot sir" I smiled and he chuckled. "well actually not more than you. You're beautiful. Full of brightness and natural. You miss should be nominated as the most beautiful and hottest girl in the world" I giggled and blushed.

"you look, hot girl," Nic said and Carter nodded. "you guys look breathtaking," I told them. We hugged and exit the house.

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