"Pomegranates?", he exclaimed as you nodded with a smile.

"Yes, it is one of his most favorite foods", you said as Itachi smiled, remembering that date when he brought a pomegranate years ago.
"Tell me more sweetheart", Itachi said softly taking another sip from his cup.
"As the birth giving date got soon, I started preparing his things like clothes and bedding, toys...", you said with a smile remembering those times, "I was sad and heartbroken by that time, but Tatsu...he gave me hope that...I would still have a living piece of you with me...", you said as Itachi smiled with a sad sigh.
"Then I gave birth to him, it happened at home with the help of lady Noriko, because it was safer and sealed, I was still feeling insecure and worried that something might happen if I gave birth somewhere else and someone might take him from me or kill us or do something bad if they find out who we are, after your departure Itachi, I was feeling...so vulnerable and exposed to many dangerous, truth to be told...I still consider myself very lucky that no one came after me back then, I was fragile", you said taking a sip from your cup of latte.

"I know that I'm strong...but what happened suddenly, and my attempts to save you, the whole pregnancy thing made me weak by then...anyways, Tatsu was born, and the house that once was full of a heavy stillness, crying and sadness, has been filled with joy and happiness, and well, some loud baby cries", you said with a giggle noticing the soft look in Itachi's eyes as he was looking at you, listening carefully to every word you say.
"He doesn't seem very troublesome", he said as a reply to what you said as you nodded.

"Yes he is a very polite and decent child, but all babies at that age give you trouble", you said chuckling as he nodded taking a sip from his cup of tea, remembering his and Sasuke's childhood and how he used to see his mom taking care of him, and how he himself started to take care of him, and how Sasuke was getting so happy when being with him.

"So tell me, what else happened?", Itachi said, needing to hear more.
"I made sure to raise Tatsu in a healthy way, I breastfed him naturally instead of giving him artificial milk, I decided to stay at home and take care of him until he is a bit old enough to go to a kindergarten so then he can meet other kids, the money I have saved helped us a lot, and even lady Noriko helped us, she never left my side...", you said as he nodded.

"Tell me about his first words, his first steps...".
"Well, his first word was mama", you said with a giggle.
"I can already tell", Itachi said with a chuckle.
"And his first steps...I actually recorded that, and a lot more, I took a lot of photos for the memory, I will show you everything when we are home", you said smiling as he nodded, admiring your beautiful smile.
"I took him to the festival, I missed your presence Itachi. The last time we were going there I gave him your mask and told him it is yours and he loved it very much, I hope you don't mind...when he started to talk, I started to feel less and less lonely, talking to him was a great pleasure, and now here he is, just as you met him...", you said as Itachi took a sip from his cup, he surely had missed a lot.

"I would have loved to see every moment of this...from the time you found out you were pregnant till now...", he said with a sad sigh as you just looked down at your ring, "you can still catch up, and we still have a lot to do together", you smiled at him as he nodded.
"[Name], did you tell him about the Uchiha clan? The leaf village? Me and Sasuke?", this was something you have been avoiding all the time, you don't really like to talk about sad and complicated things, especially to a little boy, after all, these things were the reason of yours and Itachi's pain...
"No, I still didn't tell him anything...we live here in a small peaceful village, it is hard to talk to him about it, also... telling him about you, the Uchiha clan, Sasuke might actually put him in danger in case someone suspicious heard him talk about it, and also...Tatsu is still too young", you said, not quite feeling comfortable about the idea.

"I know, but there is no danger for him anymore, I'm here now, besides, there will come a time when he needs to know everything about himself and his clan like you [name], I'm sure if we tell him while he is still young it will be easy for him to understand and accept", Itachi said in a quite voice, noticing the troubled look on your face.

"I don't know, but please don't tell him about the dark sides of it, at least not before he gets old enough to understand what happened, tell him who we are in the kindest and gentlest way possible Itachi, avoid those bloody memories for now please, I don't want to lose his innocence so early, I don't want to shock him and tell him things that might traumatize him", you said as you just held your cup in your hand and kept looking at it.

"I understand [name], what I meant is to just let him know who he belongs to, and that's all, we will take things slowly, I will teach him slowly through the years, we will take it easily", Itachi said with a smile reassuringly as you sighed.

"I hope it goes well..."
"And also...I guess it will be better if we wear our clan's symbol, there is no need to hide this anymore...", Itachi said calmly.
"Y-you think so?", you weren't sure if it is gonna be a good idea, why expose yourself and child to danger on purpose? Why do you still feel insecure even after everything is over?
"Yes, the war is over...and we are here now, I don't think it will be a treat for his safely, also...that's a symbol of who we are, and we should be proud of it", Itachi said in a serious voice.
"Alright...still...", you sighed, still not sure about it.
"[Name], you can't keep overprotecting him, he needs to be left alone to discover things on his own", Itachi added, but this is starting to make you more and more uncomfortable.
"I know Itachi!! I don't need someone to tell me this!! But the child has just recently completed three years old, he is too young, you can't just come now suddenly and decided to flip everything upside down!", you outbusted suddenly, surprising both you and him, as you couldn't contain your emotions anymore, you can't really imagine anything bad happens to your son, or expose him to a danger...
"....I'm sorry ...I didn't mean it this way, I just wanted to do what I think is right", Itachi said gently, knowing that you probably misunderstood him, he can't blame you, he should take things easily.
"No, I'm sorry, Itachi...I overreacted...I know I'm acting like Tatsu is only my son but please don't blame me, I have been the one fully responsible of him ever since he came to life till now. You're his father and that's a fact no one will change or ignore, your opinion matters of course and your role in his life is irreplaceable, I hope you understand me....I'm so sorry again", you apologized to him explaining your point of view, as he just took your hand in his again, and smiled at you in understanding.
"Hey...that's fine, I understand sweetheart, I'm sorry if I sounded like I'm imposing my opinion on you", he smiled, slightly squeezing your hand in his reassuringly.
"No that's fine, we will get along about this pretty well soon I'm sure, we just need time", you said with a small smile as he nodded.

"So Itachi, what's about you? Who else knows you're back? What's about your brother?"

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