Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

"Talak, I know you are hurt. Can you stand it? Talak stood up slowly. Androids came in and opened fire. Talak used his soundwave attack destroying the androids. One of them shot Talak in the chest and went down.

"Talak no!" Finder balled with tears.

Finder turned and took out her custom made revolver and shot through the remaining androids, hitting all of her targets. She went back for Talak, leaning toward him.

"Everything is going to be okay boy. I am here." Finder comforted him with a rub. Talak looked at Finder. Then silence. 

Finder cried and yelled. She took one of the weapons of a destroyed android and ran to Saladin's direction.

"You are alone, boy, and you are all mine." Saladin eyes glowed more green.

Finder fired shots at Saladin's back, destroying his black suit. Saladin turned and with his other hand crushed Finder's weapon and pinned her against the rocks with green energy.

"Finder, you are starting to get on my nerves." Saladin stared at her squinting his glowing green eyes. He turned his back."Now, it is time to go boy." 

Saladin and James vanished in a green flash. Finder was free from her confines and fell to her knees in utter shock. The remaining androids disappeared. Hard Drive ran out to find out to Finder. When he got there, he saw Finder on the ground.

"Finder, Finder, are you okay?" Hard Drive asked. "Where is James?"

"He is gone Saladin took him." Finder staggered getting up. 

Hard Drive caught her." I got you."

Finder looked at him."We need to contact Millennia and tell him."

                         *  * *

 On Earth 5, above the Earth's atmosphere on a ship, Saladin looked from the window at the empty void that used to be his homeworld. He reached out his hand in anguish, remembering all the lives that were lost that nestled at his heart when he lost his entire Superior aliens species to humans. The same humans he once trusted and later betrayed him with genocide. James was held captive in a cell sedated on board on his ship on the lower deck. Androids were on standby, watching for any sudden movements. Nabal was in front of James' cell staring at him. "The shoe is on the other foot huh, creature?"

Saladin walked in the room and Nabal bowed. "Sire, I'm glad you are here." 

"What is it, Nabal it better be good." Saladin held his hands behind his back.

"I have the map that you were looking for. I picked it off Earth from a museum that creature was from." He took the map and gave it to Saladin. He took the time to unveil the contents of the map to make sure it was authentic as his eyes skim through it.

"Is there something else you want to say Nabal?" Saladin asked.

Nabal swallowed. "It is about the Convergence Device."

"What about it?" Saladin's eyebrow raised.

"The Convergence is missing. A starter as you would say to activate the device," Nabal explained. Green energy flashed from Saladin's eyes to cause Nabal's body to convulse in pain. The muscles in his arms began to stretch, revealing green goo, his mouth vomiting green blood, and eyes began oozing green blood. 

"Wait, sire, I can fix it." Nabal coughed, reaching out his hand.

Saladin's eyes stopped flashing green. Nabal arms began to heal. "You have five hours to make it work, Nabal, or suffer a fate worse than death."

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