Chapter Twenty-One

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James jumped down from above with grace, making a light landing sound as his feet crumbled on gravel near the warehouse. His heart beated fast as he moved in the shadows. Thirty boats were within the vicinity tied to the pier. James sneaked behind the docks as his eyes flicked with green and blue glow walking toward the gray building. He frowned, balling his hand as his blue aura raised as he walked further.

As James was close to the docks of the Harbor, he cracked his knuckles. He gritted his teeth as he opened the back door, feeling a cool breeze hitting against his face. Inside there were boxes of gifts wrapped in shrink wrap. On the corner of his eye, James saw a dozen yellow forklift machines within the perimeter. Something moved in the shadows behind him. He turned around. Loud machines came on. The sound of the engine roared. James got hit from one of the forklifts from the side at high speed, heading straight to one of the creates. James' eyes widened seeing know one driving it. He lifted the machine up and tossed forty feet against the creates. His blue aura powers surged around his body. James' ears perked up hearing a voice.

Hunter Clone cried out in a desperate tone."James, we are over here.”

James moved in the direction of his voice. "I'm coming, hold on.”

Hunter Cloned smirked. "Good, I'm counting on it. It's time for payback, for destroying X."

A knot formed in James' throat when going deeper inside the warehouse. He turned his head side to side as his eyes glowed in darkness. Yellow eyes glowed from the shadows behind him as he trotted. It grinned, watching him enter the main room. "That's right, keep on walking."

James saw the lights in the room turned red as he entered another main hallway. He formed blue aura energy balls from his fist, checking for any threat, leaning close to the wall.

Hunter Clone yelled. "James!"

James ran to the direction of the voice only to find an empty room. Barrels laid out in rows on each side. Someone from behind stepped out of the darkness, pointing and charging up his laser gun.

Hunter Clone smirked with glowing yellow eyes, pointing his ray gun."Hello James, so good of you to come.”

James turned around. "Hunter, what's going on?" 

Hunter Clone shrugged his shoulders, walking forward."Well, let's see I lured you out here for the sole purpose of delivering you to Saladin. For an exchange, to rule and live in this world. I am not your Hunter. I have his memories. I am his clone, his replacement."

"Where are Raya and my mother? If you harmed them, in any way!" 

Hunter Clone gestured his gun at James to follow him. "They are safe for now. If you want to keep it that way, I would cooperate.”

James walked in front of him. "If you have any of Hunter's memories, then you know we are friends and this is wrong."

"Enough with your sentiment! Talking me down will not change anything. Plus, when you are gone, I'm sure I will be able to take care of Raya." Hunter Clone smirked.

James clamped down on his teeth and his eyes glowed green and blue. He turned and held on to Hunter Clone's wrist before he fired his laser gun; he squeezed his wrist crushing his hand.  Hunter Clone kicked James' chest and did a backflip. Hunter's Clone hand regenerated. He pulled out two knives and lunged with a forward spin at James.

James deflected the knives and hit Hunter Clone hard in the chest and head. He staggered back from the blow. Hunter Clone countered James's attack and caught his fist and smirked. He pounced on James' face and took his arm and twisted it with super speed. James screamed in agony. With his free hand, James blasted Hunter Clone in the chest with an energy blast that sent him flying against the wall. He relocated his arm and raised his blue aura power around his body to heal and to be on guard. James flew up in the air surveying the area. Hunter clone did a forward kick from on top, James grabbed hold of him by the leg, slamming his body against the solid creates back and forth. Hunter clone eyes glowed yellow forming a yellow aura surrounding his body.

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