Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Come on, Covac, I am right here!" James saw Hard Drive and Millennia ran to his direction.

"There is no sign of him so far. He has to be hiding somewhere within the ship," Millennia said.

"My scans haven't picked any heat signatures besides you too." Hard Drive pointed his scanning on his wrist side to side.

"Okay, we split up. Any sign of him we capture him. No kills." Millennia looked at James as a warning not to do it.

James sighed, rolling up his eyes. "It's not like he ain't gonna hold back and try to kill us. As far as we know, he may have already escaped."

"We don't know that for sure, James. For now, we search the perimeter. Any sign of him, we capture him."Millennia gave him the look. "Got it. Good."

Green goo seeped through the panels of the floor, covering the area. It rose from the surface, forming new bones, muscles, ligaments. Covac eyes grew in his socket, as the color of his iris took shape. His lungs, heart and other organs had grown and developed. Skin replicated around the exposed muscle. His half formed ear listened for James's voice as he hid in the shadows. Nabal sensed the Crystal of Kondo nearby. He saw a synthetic black suit laid out by the storage area black steel table. He snatched it up while his eyes moved side to side. Covac spotted a computer on the corner from him. He checked his surroundings and made sure it was clear for him to approach the computer.

"Okay, computer, you will be my ticket out of here." Nabal typed at the holographic yellow screen keyboard that appeared in front of him as he attempted to place his hand on the interface.

"Warning unknown access. Identify yourself!" Ship said." You have three minutes to identify yourself or be destroyed."

"Don't worry my virus will correct you." Nabal smirked as his finger formed into a black line needle as he touched the main interface, showing digital green binary numbers in a single row.

"One...Two... How may I help you?" Ship asked in a reassuring tone.

Nabal leaned his body looking at the control screen. "Much better. Now the computer shows me who else is on board this vessel." Ship revealed all images on the screen. 

Nabal squinted at the screen on the right. He saw James evil double, On the left screen, he saw James, Hard Drive, and Millennia were closing in his location.

"Computer, I need you to protect me and destroy the intruders coming my way. " Nabal walked in the hallway.

"As you wish," Ship said.

Laser cannons came out of the walls. Pointing at James, Millennia, and Hard Drive. Ship opened fire. James deflected the laser off his skin, raising his blue aura shield around his body. Millennia with his blue aura powers charged at two canons with his fist, taking down two laser cannons. Four more laser cannons popped out and opened fire to the group.

"Ship, what are you doing?" Hard Drive eyes bulged as he dodged and fired his laser cannon at the weapons, taking down five of them.

"What I'm programmed to do, which is to protect the captain of the ship," Ship said.

"My scans pick up an unknown virus affecting ships' programing." Hard Drive raised his hand and fired at multiple laser guns, destroying them. "I'm assuming Nabal somehow hacked Ship's systems."

"Can you reprogram Ship?" Millennia asked.

"It will take time. I will need you to cover me until I reach the main computer station." Hard Drive blinked his eyes. "Think you can do that?"

"Consider it done. Hey, ship, you want a piece of me?" James waved both his hands, getting the ship's attention.

Hard Drive pulled his gold access key that extended from his palm. He placed the key into the lock, twisting and turning. After the fifth turn, he was successful. The door slid open, letting out a cool breeze. A sigh of relief escaped his breath as he walked forward.

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