Chapter Nineteen

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It was late at night on Earth 1. James yawned, carrying a full white body towel on his shoulder, walking toward the bathroom since he longed for a shower. Denial was a dull blade that ached at his heart. Asunnia's prophecy of him being destined to destroy all worlds troubled his mind. Water was streaming down upon his body, washing off residue of what was left of the green slime. He pounded his fist into the wall and yelled with glowing green and blue eyes. 

Chrissy knocked on the door."James, are you all right?" 

James sighed, closing his eyes as the shower head sprinkled warm water down his scalp. "Yeah, I'm fine mom.”

Chrissy leaned closer to the door."Dinner is ready, you can come down to eat when you are ready.”

James turned off the shower and rubbed his face. "Ok.”

James stopped out of the shower and grabbed the white towel that was hanging on the rail to dry himself. He walked over his tattered black t-shirt on the floor that had slime on it. James khaki shorts and black Air Jordans still carried traces of mud. His cell phone rang and he checked to see who was calling him. He found out the call came from Raya.

James placed his shirt in his laundry bag."Hello.” 

"Hey, James!" Raya said with a pleasant tone.

James dried his hair on a towel. "Hey, how are you?" 

"I'm okay, I was gonna ask you the same question. I haven't heard from you since you ditched me from the carnival two weeks ago," Raya said with bitterness in her voice. 

James sighed. "It's not like that I went for help, I went to call the police after that crazy robot attack. I'm glad you are safe."

"You know what's weird?” She held his hand on her hip. “My phone captured the video of the robot attack and my phone broke. I missed the scoop of a lifetime. So much for the school paper article. I know I never brought up the subject, but how are you dealing with your father's passing?" Raya asked.

James sighed."I'm just taking it day by day.”

"If you need someone to talk to, I'm here you know.”

"Yeah, looks like I'll have to talk to you later. I got to go to eat. I will call you back, Raya."

"Okay James, talk to you later bye," she said.

"Bye Raya," James said.

 James hung up his cell phone as he got dressed. He went over and picked up and placed his dirty clothes in the hamper.  James' went down the squeaky steps as he walked through the hallway cherry wood floors. He walked to the kitchen and sighed to himself sitting at the table opposite to Chrissy. Chrissy looked at James eating his meatloaf and salad. The sound of the knife and fork clinking at the plate as Chrissy smiled.

Chrissy looked at his face down at the food. "James, are you alright? You barely said a word.”

"I'm ok, mom. I just had a rough day at school." James chewed his food. "This food is good by the way."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Chrissy asked.

"Not really?" James buried his fork into his food. Chrissy bit her lower lip. 

"Listen, there is something I need to tell you. I know this will be a lot to take in but Victor is not your father. I'm so sorry to have kept this secret from you and I'm sure you have lots of questions. I just thought now that you are older you deserve to know the truth," Chrissy explained.

"I know Victor is not my father.” James kept his eyes on the plate. Chrissy's eyebrows raised.

"How did you know?" Chrissy asked.

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