“So what did Finn mean this morning?” I asked as we spun around the dance floor.

            “About what?” Peter asked.

            “He said he told you how he felt about me,” I said.

            “Oh, he mentioned it while you and James were dancing last night,” Peter said. “He said he felt some attraction to you and that he wants to get to know you again.”

            “Oh,” I nodded.

            “Yeah,” he replied.

            “So is Ella always that sweet?” I asked watching her smile and greet everyone.

            “Yes, she’s naturally a sweetheart,” Peter said gazing at her.

            “Peter?” I asked.

            “Hmm?” he hummed looking back at me.

            “What’s up with you and Ella?”

            “That’s a story for a different day,” Pater said smiling sadly.

            “Alright,” I sighed.

            “Peter might I cut in?” Finn asked coming up behind Peter.

            “Um,” Peter said looking at me.

            “I won’t cause any trouble,” Finn said.

            “It’s ok Peter,” I said quietly. Peter nodded and released me.

            “I’ll be at the bar,” Peter told me before leaving me with Finn.

            “Shouldn’t you be dancing with Ella?” I asked as Finn and I began to dance.

            “She’s talking with people,” Finn shrugged.

            “Okay,” I nodded.

            “Is this how it’s going to be? Polite, simple conversations in public but avoiding each other during the day?” Finn asked.

            “Don’t worry it’s only for a few more days,” I replied.

            “Even so, I don’t want it to be that way,” Finn said. “I’m sorry for never contacting you all those years ago.”  

            “Finn, I told you it’s fine,” I said looking down.

            “Can we go somewhere else to talk?” he asked.

            “Fine,” I nodded. Finn grabbed my hand and led me out to the rose garden where we spoke last night.

            “I’m really sorry,” Finn said turning to look at me.

            “Finn it’s fine,” I repeated.

            “Then why are you giving me the cold shoulder?” Finn asked.

            “Just because I’ve accepted it doesn’t mean it hurts any less,” I said. “You’re getting married Finnick it’s not like anything I say will change it. I’m happy you’re happy but it doesn’t mean I want it to be like this. Distancing myself from you is the best thing I can do right now. It’ll make it easier for both of us.”

            “I don’t want you to be distanced from me,” Finn said coming up close to me. “We used to be best friends!” he pleaded.

            “And then we fell in love Finnick! Or at least I did. And damn it I think I still am,” I replied moving away.

            “I did fall in love with you Josephine!” Finn said grabbing my shoulders.

            “Well now you’re in love with someone else!” I said struggling in his grip.

            “I never-“ Finn began.

            “Finn, darling, your parents are looking for you,” Ella said standing in the doorway that led into the ballroom.

            “Right,” Finn nodded. “We’ll talk more later ok?” Finn asked looking at me.

            “I’m pretty sure this conversation is over,” I said looking down. “Go, your parent’s are looking for you,” I said nudging Finn towards Ella. Finn sighed but went to Ella, kissed her cheek and then went inside.

            “So you’re her,” Ella said.

            “Who?” I asked.

            “The other woman,” she said.

Alright what do you think of Finn and Jo's conversation?? Please comment, vote, keep reading, and check out my other stories! I hope to update soon.

Until then, Mia

I Used To be Best Friends With the PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now