"Are you alright, Elle?" Tobias asked and I shook my head. "You must be really uncomfortable in that dress. If you want I could bring you some of my clothes?" He asked.

"That would be really nice, thank you." I replied sincerely. "And I'll take some extra chocolates. It might make you feel better." He took the tray and lead me to the master bedroom.

I sat down on the bed, which was lined with Egyptian cotton and nibbled on a piece of dark chocolate. "Here you go." He said, placing a pair of gym shorts and a black tee next to me. "Thank you Tobias," I stood up and wanted to go change in the bathroom, but instead I collided with his hard chest.

I stood staring into his eyes with his arms around my waist. Our breaths mingled together and I could feel his heart beating fast, which excelled mine. He peaked down at my lips, which lead me to think it was an invitation for me to kiss him.

With a second of courage, I placed my lips on his. I felt him go rigged with me in his arms and he pulled away.

He didn't say anything, he just turned around and walked away, shutting the door behind him.

I stood with my mouth open, not believing what happened.

What hurt the most was him rejecting me. He lead me on to believe that he wanted to be involved in a relationship of some sorts. I mean, he did invite me for dinner and take me back to his hotel.

His exact words were that I needed better than Zac.

I took the chocolate tray and threw it against the wall. Not even cocoa and sugar can help me now.


When I woke up my eyes felt extremely heavy and puffy. To make it worse, I had a pounding headache and the sun rays shining through the curtains were killing me. I groaned and jolted straight out of bed when I woke up. I was in a really expensive room, in somebody else's clothes.

"Morning, I bought you some breakfast." Tobias peaked through the door with a tray. He was only wearing boxers. I had to restrain my eyes from ogling his chest. He had some pretty mean abs.

"Umm- did we.. you know?" I asked ruffling my hear. Tobias looked at me with a raises eyebrow. "You don't remember?" He said, setting the tray down on the bedside table.

"I- I don't know." His face remained straight as I completely blushed. I covered my face with my hands.

"You are so gullible." He replied with a laugh as I sighed in relief. "If we did have sex, I wouldn't take advantage of you while you were drunk anyways."

I stood up straight with my voice raising a little in pitch, "I was drunk?" I searched around the room and spotted a green victim. The champagne bottle.

"Oh my this is embarrassing," I mumbled while covering my face with a pillow. He chuckled while leaning on the door frame. His biceps seemed to enlarge without him doing it on purpose. I looked away again trying to hide my beetroot face.

"I'll be in the shower," he said before walking off.

After he left I still stared at the wall for a few minutes before a faint memory came up from last night. He asked me if I remembered him, which meant that somehow, somewhere, we had met before this Paris trip.

I'm not much of a snooper. The only times I did pry and spy was when I was a little girl. I used to dress in black and pretend I was a ninja. That way I crept on the floors, making sure my parents didn't see me. This was a whole different ballgame.

I stood up on my tippy-toes and slowly walked to the guest bedroom in the penthouse. The shower was still running, so Tobias wasn't going to come out any second.

I peaked into the room he slept in and saw all his belongings next to the queen bed. He had a duffle bag which I kneeled down to. After shuffling through his clothes, I couldn't find anything worthy of clues to who he could be.

As I turned around to leave the room, something brown caught my eye under his pillow. Not being able to restrain myself, I walked over to it.

I lifted the pillow, and underneath there was a brown leather covered book. It looked old and worn, but I still opened it.

I gasped in horror at the pictures inside. On the first page were my parents on their wedding day. I remember staring at this picture for a couple of hours everyday when I was little. I always tried to imagine how magical their wedding was.

On the next page, a picture was pasted of a baby and underneath it was my birth date.9 August 1995.

As I kept paging, there were pictures of my family having a picnic. There was even one from me at my school concert.

The photos show my growth as a person, literally. Every year there is a new picture of me. In the last two years there is some of me and Zac, and others with Luke.

The last photo shocks me. It's one I took the other day. Zac was standing beside me, eating French iced-yogurt while we snapped a shot together with my camera, which is now broken.

Tobias must've taken my memory card when he bumped into me and broke my camera.

The first thing that comes to mind is to run. I needed to get out as soon as possible, but as I turned around Tobias blocked the doorway out of his room.

"Now now, you aren't that stupid as I thought you were."

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