I don't care about how disgusting his touch felt all I care is about getting to Mama. I am outside the room. 

Papa hasn't noticed me but I noticed him. He is sitting in the waiting room, dressed in a suit he probably rushed over here from work. His head is in his hands and I can see tears in his eyes.

"Papa!" I choke out rushing over to him.

He looks up his eyes bloodshot and face distraught and upset.

"Athena!" I run into his arms and tighten the hug.

"Don't cry Papa. I don't like it. Mama won't like it." I pull away wiping his tears for him.

"My Rosaline is in there fighting for life right now. The doctors haven't told me what has happened to her." Papa chokes out and I can't stand the pain he is in because I feel the exact pain. 

"Papa she is a fighter. Our fighter. She will fight to come back to us. To come back to you and me. We just have to be patient!" I whisper as we take a seat on the chairs waiting for some good news.

I have to be strong even though inside I am breaking. 

What happened to her? 

The doctors are still doing their job it can't be that serious can it? She will come back to us right? 

All these unanswered questions swarming my mind but I still lean on Papa's shoulder proving him solace. 

He needs me to be strong for him.

Before I know it the door to her room is opening and a doctor in a white coat comes out. His face blank impassive not showing any indicator of whether or not Mama is ok.

"Family of Rosaline Valentine?" He questions and both of us stand up. 

Ready to hear.

"I'm her husband and this is our daughter." Papa says and the doctor looks at us this time showing a solemn expression.

"Mrs Valentine has suffered from a heart attack!" As soon as those words leave his lips, the sobs become uncontrollable. 

How? How did this happen? 

"I mean there is something you can do!" My father's voice chokes out. 

"We suspect she had a heart attack due to a stressful situation and hit her head on a hard floor. Right now anything could happen. We have to keep her for observation but you can see her now!" The doctor leaves and we both rush into her room. 

There Mama is. So different to what I'm used to seeing. Her blonde hair matted and damp with blood from the fall. 

"Rosa!" My dad sits in the chair next to Mama holding her hand and kissing it several times.

I look around the white hospital room the tubes and everything they've got Mama on. 

I don't like it. I can't see her like this. 

This is not my Mama. 

This person has her eyes closed not moving and very pale skin. 

I rush out the room giving my parents privacy.


"Rosa!" I grab her hand kissing it. 

A heart attack. How? 

I should have never left her alone.

I should have taken a day off work and stayed with her.

I should have been there with her. 

Athena gives one look to her mom and rushes out the room. I understand it is hard for her. 

"Open those gorgeous green eyes of yours Rosa. Please!" I choke out kissing her cheeks. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I mumble repeatedly.

It is all my fault. She will be fine.

I stroke her blonde hair my fists clenching at the blood on them. 

She hit her fucking head on the tiles. If I was there it would never have been that bad. 

"We need you baby. I need you. I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you. But please fight for us. Fight." I'm crying. 

Crying makes a man weak. But she is my weakness. 

For her I'd cry a thousand rivers.  

She is everything that I'm not. She is my soulmate. My other half. 

Without her how am I meant to function? 

"I love you Rosa." I whisper and lay my head on the bed hoping she'll wake up. 

I leave to make an important call. 

To the Moretti's.


Papa comes out of the room once again with red eyes but I don't point them out. 

"Athena go see your Mom I'll wait out here." I nod slightly and open the room door. 

I collapse onto the chair as I stifle the sobs. 

"Mama!" Choking out the one word is so hard. 

I feel like it is too hard to breathe. 

"MAMA!" I cry out hugging my knees as I try to stop crying. 

I can't. She is everything to me. 

I need her. My face buried between my hands as the sobs wrack my body swallowing me whole. 

"Mama please wake up!" I whisper. 

Just as I say that I hear her voice before I see her. 

"But I already am!" I can hear the laughter in her soft voice. 

My eyes widen as I slowly remove my hands from my face.

Am I imagining it?

But when I see the faint sparkle in her green eyes I know she is here. She is awake. 

"PAPA! SHE IS AWAKE!" I yell loudly as I kiss her cheek. 

"Inside voice darling!" She laughs and I crack a small smile. 

Papa rushes in, once his eyes meet Mama's I see him run to her and kiss the living life out of her while apologising.

"Aodhan please!" She chokes out wiping his tears away. "I'm fine. Look at me." 

Papa meets her eyes and shakes his head, "It is my fault Rosa. I should have stayed with you!"

I feel like I'm invading their privacy.

"Mama you and Papa stay here and talk. I will be right back. I look like a mess." I tell Mama Kiss her cheek and leave the room.

I want to stay so bad. Right by her side. 

But Papa needs time with her. 

And I reek of sweat, perfume, my hair is messed up and my dress is so fucking short. I look like a stripper. 

Making sure to avoid the security guard from earlier our driver drives me back home where with a heavy heart I fix myself up. 

To make myself look presentable. 

But every time my mind goes back to Mama. 

She will be okay. 

She has to be.  


Another chapter. 

Athena's mom had a heart attack. 

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Hope u r enjoying it. 

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Soul x 

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