"That's very good" Athena could detect the slightest hint of shock in Kakashi's voice. "The Hokage told me about  your knowledge, but I needed to see how much you actually possessed " He explained,  back to his calm and lazy self. "Before we do anything you need to know how to use your chakra to some degree"

"So I must discover my chakra? "



"Now, close your eyes and enter a meditative state. What I want you to do is grab hold of your chakra. Imagine it as a ball of energy in the pit of your stomach. Grab onto it and guide it to your arms"

Athena did as told. She closed her eyes and blocked out everything around her. She took deep slow breaths and focused on them. Her heartbeat slowed down considerably as minutes went by. In her head she was picturing a blue ball of energy in the pit of her stomach. Something twisting and turning, waiting to be molded to what she wished. Then she felt it. It felt very odd. It was a warmth coming from her core. It felt like sparks of lighting. As warm as it felt there was a chill to it as well. Very odd. Having found her chakra she focused on grabbing hold of it. Gripping onto it firmly and pulling it. Slowly she guided the new found energy to her arms. She felt it travel under her skin, finding their destination.

Upon opening her eyes she saw small blue flames in each of her palms.

"I guess I did it"

"That was faster than expected"

"Was it? "

"I wasn't expecting you to succeed so fast. It takes a lot of time to gain control of chakra even just a little bit"

Athena didn't say anything and just stared at her hands. Kakashi didn't believe in her then? She figured she shouldn't be surprised. No one believed in her before and that was normal life. Now she's dealing with high class situations. She shouldn't feel anyway because Kakashi didn't expect her to accomplish something even adults struggle with.

"Well my mother is Tsunade and we both know that her chakra control surpasses every Kage" She said at some point. "I must have inherited it"

"I suppose" Kakashi sighed. "Here"

Kakashi handed her a paper. She recognized it. It looks like normal paper though. No matter how close she observed it it still seemed like normal paper.

"Chakra paper" She muttered.

"Yes, so you know what to do and how it works, right? "

"I must direct chakra into the paper. It will then react to my chakra by bursting into flames, getting wet, ripping, crumpling or crumbling. Each effect indicates a chakra affinity. Be it fire, water, wind, lightning or earth"

Kakashi only nodded to the explanation and Athena directed her attention to the paper again. She wondered what her chakra nature could be. Lightning seemed cool. It also would make it possible for her to learn the Shidori. Wind was a great element. The amount of cool jutsu was endless and she wasn't forgetting the rasengan, although it could be done with any nature. Water would be nice as well and so would earth. The water dragon jutsu and mud wall were great jutsu. In all honesty she didn't have a favorite element. They all seemed amazing to her.

She held the paper in front of her and focused her chakra on it. She watched with furrowed brow as the paper ripped straight down the middle, burst into flames, dampened, crumpled and lastly crumbled and fell into the dirt. She blinked as a small plant suddenly grew from the spot the paper fell.

"That was unexpected" She said with a dead pan look on her face. She lookef away from the plant and at an obviously shocked Kakashi. "Yo,Kakashi it looks like I have the five elements and wood release"

The Unknown Goddess: A Naruto Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now