Chapter One

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( Virgils POV)

Knocking comes from the black door to my room and I turned slightly to face in the direction of the entrance. " Yeah?" I reply quietly and tug at the left sleeve of my jacket. I know who it is by the way they knocked. Logan's knock is robotic and evenly timed, then Romans is like hammering a golf club into the ground and Pat's always takes some sort of rhythm. Like a little snippet of a cheery song. So, it was Patton.

" Hey, kiddo! You should come out here and hang with the rest of us, we miss you!" Morality called. I resisted the urge to make a snarky comment and bit my tongue instead. It wasn't true, the only person who cared if was out there was Patton. And that's not who I wanted to want me out there.

But, it doesn't matter, I'm going to be forced to leave the safety of my room into the dark recesses of human interaction. Or in this case just, everyone in the mind palace. I lean back and stare at the ceiling in silence for a few moments, but Patton pounds on my door again, slightly differently. I raise an eyebrow and throw my hands in the air. " Coming, sheesh!"

Reluctantly, I stand up from my desk chair and stretch towards the ceiling before going to the door. My inhale is shaky as my hand wraps around the door knob, but I yanked the door open. I glance at the actual disturbance and quickly try to slam it shut, but Roman blocks the door with his boot. " Hah. I knew playing Patton would get you to be social." He says mockingly.

I lean against the wood and scoff in response. " Nothing could make me do that, I was just doing what I'm told." I defended. " Sure." Ro said sarcastically. He forced the door open and I stumbled backwards, catching myself on my desk. " Hey!" I shout frustratedly.

Roman parades flamboyantly and over looks the wreckage that I live in. I quickly look around to make sure nothing important is out. There isn't, I mean, I'm pretty sure. " What do you even do in here?" He asked and looked longingly at my sick nasty Tim Burton posters. He walked over to my shelves and ran his finger tips over the spines of my novels.

"Stuff." I said annoyedly. He rolled his eyes and I chuckled a bit. He continued to look at my books, blowing his bangs out of his eyes. It was kind of cute. I mean, no, not cute, just... different. He hadn't even tried to maintain his hair today, some sort of fashion statement thing probably and it stuck out in the back like those feathers quails have.

" Can you leave?" I asked and shoved my hands into my pockets. He looked up and me and grinned charmingly. It actually made a genuine smile spread across my face, but I made sure it left quickly. " Why? You hiding something in here?" He teased and cocked an eyebrow.

I shook my head rapidly and felt my heart pump a bit faster. " Pssh... no..." Roman gave me an unconvinced glance and bit his tongue. Fine. Whatever. " Just... don't snoop." I said before sulking out of the room. I wander into the kitchen, where Logan has his face deep in the dictionary and Patton is talking his ear off. It's obvious he isn't paying attention.

Patton turns to me and his eyes light up, smiling widely. " Hey, Virge! What's happening?" He asks peppily. I shrug and shuffle from foot to foot. Pat's smile fades slightly and I immediately feel guilty. " I was hungry." I add. It wasn't fully true, but it was something. He perks up again and fetches a plate of snickerdoodle cookies, holding them out to me

I take one and give him a weak half smile. He hums and sets the plate back on the table. I shove the sweet into my mouth and eat it without chewing. Logan glances up from his book with a disapproving look and tsks. " I would not find it convenient for you to choke, Anxiety." My hands tightend into fists in my pockets and my expression went slightly colder. I didn't like being called by Anxiety. Well, not anymore. They all knew my name, the least they could do was use it. None of us liked to be called by which side we were, and Logan knew it.

Before I could make any comment, I almost choked. Not on the cookie, but I remembered something. I HAD left something out in my room. And it happened to be the one thing that would make my world implode. I booked it to my room and prayed Roman hadn't gotten to it first.

// Please go to Just_another_queerdo's profile to read the next chapter!

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