"I think life is too short to hide things," Alcibiades stepped back. "I'm sorry if me being so forward makes you uncomfortable. It's just who I am."

I don't understand what made me so bold. He was right. Life was too short. Tia's death had taught me that much. I kissed Alcibiades of my own volition.

"I like you too," I said. "I was so scared, I didn't want to admit it, but you caught my attention as well."

His heart started thundering faster than I believed possible. His eyes were glowing. Clearly, he had no idea what else to do either.

"Keep an eye out for me in the Blackwater Grund," I let my hand linger on his cheek for a second too long. "I want to meet you again, Alcibiades."

It seemed to break the spell. As I walked away, he shouted, "I'll meet you again too, Forrest Eden!"

I couldn't help my flushed face the entire way back to my room to change.


With a hangover cure clearing my head, I left Lexington at the table with our teammates. I approached Lala Deinenocten, my first disciple, who had clearly just gotten back from a mission of her own. I had something I needed to do, but I required her power to do so.

"I need your help," I stated, trying to be as strong as I could.

Lala turned her head dramatically in my direction. "I'm sorry, what?"

"I am not the most comfortable with this-"

"What do you need?" She huffed.

"As my...disciple," I whispered so only she could hear. "I need your help retrieving a lost soul."

"Your dead friend?" She raised a brow.

"Yes," I grumbled.

"I mean fine," she stood. "It's not like I have anything better to do."

"I'm coming too."

I turned to find Lexington with his arms crossed.

"No," I insisted. "It's stupid and dangerous. You'll see things you wished you hadn't."

"I care about Tia as much as you do," he argued. "I know what you are. Please. I won't be in the way."

"He's stubborn," Lala smiled. "It's cute."

"I..." I looked around. "Fine. I guess this time, it's okay. But you're going to see the vilest part of my job."

"It was either now or sometime in the future," Lexington crossed his arms. "I'm not scared. I'm here for the long haul."

"Come with me," I stepped outside.

At the very least, I was thankful that most fae were spending the day inside today with their hangovers and sensitivity to light. It made everything much easier for me. I found a large enough spot in the garden.

"No, wait," Lala grabbed my arm far too hard. "I have a message for you."

"What is it?" I tried to see into her thoughts. I caught glimpses of images. Black bird wings with stars across them. A man with black eyes. Words carved into a tree.

Futures Unseen (Chasing Titania #2)Where stories live. Discover now